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Orders page filters

Make your orders page work for you

Pål Torgersen avatar
Written by Pål Torgersen
Updated over a week ago

When using the orders page, you can set up filters to view orders by certain requirements.

Customising your orders page

If you work with orders for a certain customer, location or role you can use the filters a to work more efficiently.

  1. Choose which combinations of customers, departments, locations and roles you want to see on the main page, and remember to name your filter. Note, that the applied filters are only visible for you.

  2. Click set active to enable the filter. You can have as many different filters as you want, but only one can be active at a time. The filter you set active will be enabled until you remove it manually. To delete a filter, click remove.

Order table sorting

Use the arrows on the top of each column on the orders page to sort your orders by a specific column. You can set combination filters with both sorting and filters.

Filter on order status

By default, all orders with different statuses except from archived and lost orders are shown on the main page. You can filter on the status of your orders by clicking on the status dropdown on the top left of your main page.

One-time filters

  1. Click on the filter icon on the main page to enable a one-time filter that resets when logging out. From here you can filter on customer, department, location, roles, shift times and more. Click apply filters to make them active.

Quick Filters

  1. Click on the filter icon on the main page to set quick filters that can apply immediately when you login. From here you can filter on customer, department, location, roles, shift times and more. Click + QUICK FILTER, give your filter a name, then save it. You can set multiple filters and switch between them as needed.

Table column setup

You can edit the visible columns of your orders on the main page by clicking on the settings icon and unselecting columns you want to remove.

Click done to apply the new setup, or reset to go back to the default view.

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