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Recman API key access (V1)

Minimal permissions for the API key provided to Globus

Pål Torgersen avatar
Written by Pål Torgersen
Updated over 2 years ago

For the functionalities supported in the current Globus ↔︎ Recman integration, we need at least the below permissions granted to the API key. The admin can follow the documentation for providing us with the correct permissions: under the section API i Recman.

Under Operations we need the permissions for SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE

Under Modules the following should be selected: Departments, Corporations, Co-workers, Companies, Contact Persons, Candidates, Projects, Jobs, Economy and Staffing Calendar. Depending on the language settings, it should finally look like below for the languages English(left), Norwegian (middle) and Swedish (right)

Detailed information on all the available endpoints and functions in the Recman API can be found here:

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