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Globus updates Q2 2023
Pål Torgersen avatar
Written by Pål Torgersen
Updated over a week ago

Release Version 1.7.2 (30.06.2023)

New features

1. Separation of tags from ATS and manually added tags in Globus

Candidates now have a dedicated field to differentiate between tags originating from the ATS/integration and tags manually created within Globus. This separation ensures that these two types of tags no longer overlap or interfere with each other.

"ATS tags" will be exclusively updated by the integration, meaning any changes made to these tags will be automatically reflected based on the data received from the ATS. On the other hand, the "Internal tags" will be managed solely within Globus, allowing you to manually create, edit, or remove tags as needed without any impact from the ATS or integration.

With this enhancement, you can maintain a clear and organized tagging system for your candidates, ensuring that the appropriate tags are applied based on their source and purpose. This provides greater flexibility and control over candidate tagging within your workflow.

Search and filtering by tag will consider both tags from ATS and Globus tags.

2. Improvement in candidate blocking logic for time-level unavailability

Previously, Globus calculated double booking blocking on a per-day basis, which prevented a candidate from starting two shifts within the same day. However, we have made a significant improvement to this functionality.

The updated approach now takes into account the specific time slots of shifts and the required rest time between them. To ensure a healthy work-life balance and avoid scheduling conflicts, each tenant now has a default configuration of 8 hours of rest time between shifts. If you need to modify this rest time duration, please reach out to our support team, and they will assist you accordingly.

These are the following rules applied in matching:

  1. If the end time of a shift approved overlaps with the start time of a new shift, the candidate will be blocked/not recommended for the new shift.

  2. In addition to the blocking on shifts overlapping, Globus will now warn users when the time between two shifts (hours between the end time of shift number 1 and the start time of shift number 2) is less than the configured rest time. A warning will show in the availability section in the candidate card in the order and in the sending modal.

The users will still be able to send, present, and approve the candidates when breaching the rest time. The warning will show for a breach of break time between individual shifts in one order and across multiple orders (from the same or different customers).

3. Supporting partial availability for orders with periods

Previously, when a candidate's shift or availability overlapped with a new order, they would be considered fully unavailable for that period. For instance, if a candidate couldn't work for one day within a two-week period, they would be blocked from consideration. However, in the most recent release, the recommender now allows for partial candidate availability for longer-term assignments or periods.

This means that if a candidate is available for only a portion of a specific period, they can still be recommended for the order. However, their limited availability will be highlighted in the user interface to ensure transparency. Users now have the option to send the period to the candidate and allow them to accept or decline it.

In order to proceed with the period-order, whether it is to present, approve, or register it in the ATS, any conflicts need to be resolved. This can involve reverting another assignment or creating shorter periods within the order to accommodate the candidate's availability for the required time.

Overall, this update enables the system to handle partial candidate availability and provides a mechanism for users to manage and resolve any conflicts that may arise during the assignment process.

4. Incremental updates for Recman integration

We are excited to inform you that we have introduced incremental (delta) updates for Recman. This update allows us to fetch only the updated data from the ATS, rather than retrieving the entire dataset each time. As a result, the processing time for fetching data is significantly reduced.

With incremental updates, the number of API calls required is also reduced, leading to cost savings. Additionally, this enhancement enables us to run the integration more frequently, which in turn reduces the wait time for accessing new data in Globus.

We are pleased to announce that this update will be gradually rolled out to all tenants integrated with Recman throughout the summer. We believe this improvement will greatly enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the integration, providing you with an even smoother experience.

5. Sequential registration to Recman

It is now possible to select multiple approved candidates at once on the "Register"-tab to register multiple candidates in one go. Globus will remember the selection of project, job etc for the first candidate and try to apply the same for all selected candidates. This should make the registration of multiple candidates in the same order more efficient.

6. Exclusions in Recommender config

It is now possible to exclude candidates from the recommender based on country, tag, and responsible user. We will continue to add more flexibility in the matching in the next few months.

Release Version 1.7.1 (19.06.2023)

New features

1. Improvements in customer and department/project identification in parsing

An improved feedback loop and probability calculation will improve the identification of customer/department/project in email parsing.

2. 'Responsible users' available on department/project-level and auto-assignment of orders

Responsible users can now be manually set or imported from ATS on Department/Project- level (previously just available on the customer level). When parsing identifies the customer and department/project or is manually set, orders will be auto-assigned to the responsible user.

3. Sorting of candidates in order fulfillment UI by shift/period status

Candidates will now be sorted in the candidate fulfillment UI by shift/period status in "Approve / Present to customer" and "Register" tabs. This sorting will not be active on the "Send to candidates"- tab. Sorting will be as followed:

  1. Candidates with registered shifts/periods

  2. Candidates with approved shifts/periods

  3. Candidates with presented shifts/periods

  4. Candidates with accepted shifts/periods

  5. Candidates with rejected shifts/periods

  6. Candidates with sent shifts/periods

  7. Candidates with no shift status/periods

4. Improved conflict handling when using auto-approve in send to candidates

If a candidate accepts two shifts with overlapping times in the same order or if a shift is in conflict with shifts in a different order, shift(s) will not be auto-assigned.

Release Version 1.7 (09.06.2023)

New features

1. Orders due date & sorting of orders

A new field is now available on all orders called "Due date", this can be used to clearly mark the deadline for fulfilling an order.

When creating a new order or editing an existing order, users can add the due date of that order in the order details.

This due date will be shown underneath the customer's name in the order fulfillment UI.

In the order list it is now possible to choose if you would like to see created date, modified date or due date. Click the setting wheel on the column.

Sorting is done in the top right corner of the orders list. Other than priority, orders can be sorted by Date created, Date modified and Due Date.

2. Searching in linked emails (with attachments)

It is now possible to search in the "Search orders" field in orders list for orders by any information in the email that is used to generate the order, including sender, name, subject, body, and even content in the attachments.

These new additional features could be helpful in some of the following cases:

  • The user needs to find a specific order and associate the email with attachments quickly

  • The user wants to search for orders based on information in the email, such as the sender's name or subject line.

  • When recruiters are looking for specific information in an email attachment related to an order.

3. Recommender score explanation

The new Recommender score explanation will allow users to easily see which matching factors contributed to the final matching score, providing greater transparency in the Recommender's ranking system.

In the order fulfillment UI, you can click the matching percentage on a specific candidate in the list to view all the matching factors (example below).

4. Pre-fill forms for registering shifts in Recman and Webtemp

Both Recman and Webtemp registration has been improved to pre-fill more information from the order to make registration more efficient. Recman registration form also 'remembers' for the user what was filled in within previous successful registration for the order/role and pre-fills the form with that data.

5. Work time preferences for the candidate

The new release allows candidates to provide input on their general work time preferences, including day, evening, and night shifts.

How to add Time preferences:

The Candidate can select their work time preferences while they are providing their availability.

You can add time preferences when editing candidate information.

When staffing agencies receive orders, our Recommender algorithm takes the candidate's work time preferences into account and suggests the best candidates for the job.

This new feature will be helpful in many cases:

  • When a user receives an order with night shifts. They quickly identify which candidates have selected night shifts as their work time preference and recommend them for the job.

  • A candidate is only available to work on day shifts. They can update their work time preferences on Globus platform to improve their visibility for day shifts positions.

6. UI Improvements and standardized language

With the new release, you will experience a more streamlined and intuitive interface, enabling you to navigate the platform more efficiently. The improved interface design and standardized language and terminology across all pages and features provide a better experience on small screens, starting from 1280px.

The working tabs under each required position in an order are renamed according to different stages in the recruitment process.

The Closed Segment is renamed Closed Orders

Other Products improvements

  1. Feedback field for candidate's UI: now candidates can leave a comment also if they accept assignments. This comment will be visible for the recruiter in the order fulfillment UI.

  2. 'Notify customer' link in the order's action menu leads the user to their default email client and prefills an email to sender, or contact person in the order.

  3. Replace '1 more...' label with the real role name in the orders list.

  4. When parsing doesn't generate shift times, Globus creates shifts without start/end time.

  5. Added 'status=active' filter to 'Missing fields' segment.

  6. Improved double-booking conflict management.

  7. Made selecting candidates and bulk actions consistent in the whole product.

  8. Customize what order segment to show in Home screen

  9. Tenant specific filtering by project status on Recman registration.

  10. Now the toggle 'Accepted/Custom' is switched to 'Accepted' automatically after presenting candidates to customers.

  11. Loading state on action buttons in Customer UI.

  12. Shifts can be reverted if a candidate becomes unavailable AFTER sending.

  13. Retries when emails are not captured correctly.

  14. Adjusted confidence score for fuzzy matching for roles (orders from email).

  15. Improved performance on creating orders, presenting candidates to customers, approving candidates by customers.

  16. List of cities in the filters (both candidates and orders filters) is limited now by country code specified for the tenant, and also shows country codes near the city name which makes city selection more comfortable.

Bug fixes and improvements

  1. Disabled check-boxes and Approve candidate button when headcount completed.

  2. Fixed some feedback icon UI problems.

  3. Candidates were not recommended in Period order without the selected time.

  4. Candidate's feedback icon was shown in the detailed order page even if no feedback is provided.

  5. User couldn't save the order after one of the roles had been removed.

  6. User couldn't approve shifts or periods for candidates in Custom mode.

  7. E-mail wasn't displayed for parsed orders in some cases.

  8. Don't show the save segment button when all filters were removed.

  9. 'Registered' column was missing in the candidates list.

  10. 'Back' buttons on the 'Edit order' screen sometimes led to 'My Order' segment.

  11. Fixed problems related to orders with non-existing customer.

  12. Candidates statistics should be recalculated when shifts status has been reverted.

  13. Filter by 'Empty' displayed not empty results.

  14. Closed order should not become active if it was just opened and saved without modifications.

Release version 1.6.1 (18.05.2023)

New features

1. Attach files to the candidate profiles

The "Attach files to candidate profile" feature enables staffing agencies and internal teams to upload and store CVs, certificates, and other important files in the candidates' profiles within Globus. Once uploaded, these files can be easily accessed by recruiters and shared with customers if needed. This feature helps to streamline the recruitment process and ensures that all necessary documents are conveniently located in one place. Additionally, this feature helps to maintain the accuracy and completeness of candidate profiles.

  • Adding files to the candidate's profile is done by navigating to "Candidates"

  • Then click a candidate

  • When a candidate profile is open, click edit/the pen in the top right corner.

  • At the bottom of the profile, you will see all uploaded files.

  • Click "+ Add file" and choose the files to upload. (Max 50Mb per file)

Files are displayed in the profile, and in the candidate panel in the order fulfillment UI:

Files are available to the customer (if added and made visible) in the presentations:

2. Configure what candidate information to share in the presentation to the customer

By customizing and controlling the candidate information presented to customers during the candidate presentation process, staffing agencies gain the ability to configure the exact content that will be displayed. This capability empowers recruiters to handpick the specific details they wish to include, such as the candidate's name, location, contacts, skills, role, notes, and attached files. Utilizing this feature enables agencies to guarantee that customers receive precisely the amount of information they need to make informed decisions. Moreover, it ensures that the presentation is finely tailored to meet the unique requirements of each customer.

When presenting one or more candidates to the customer, the user can now choose what details to include. Make specific information visible or hide it by clicking the icon on each element. By clicking the edit icon next to files, choose what files to include for each presented candidate. Under "Notes for customers" you can add a presentation text for each candidate visible to the customer.

Other product improvements

  1. New field in the Candidate's profile: "Notes for customer". The field is used during presentations to customers.

  2. Notification to the user by email when the customer has accepted or rejected a candidate presentation.

  3. Several important performance improvements, including performance improvements for the import of candidates and customers from ATS.

Release version 1.6 (05.05.2023)

New features

1. Webtemp Integration: Registration shifts

It’s possible to register approved shifts (not periods) to Webtemp from Globus.

2. Adding candidates to the order manually by Search

It is now possible to add candidates manually to the order, using the powerful and flexible search capability.

It is possible to search candidates by name, location, tag, role, skill, and even notes in the candidate's profile. The search function understands typos and misspellings as well as spelling variations.

The main use case is to be able to add specific candidates to an order even if they were not suggested by the Recommender:

  • find and add a specific candidate by name

  • show candidates pool by searching by tag

  • show all candidates with specific roles or skills

3. Candidates can leave their feedback, and it is displayed in the Order fulfillment UI

When a candidate declines a shift or period

4. Order created date and improvements for small screens (1280px)

We now show the Order creation date in the list of orders. We also made some improvements in the list of orders and list of candidates to make the page fit 1280px minimum screen size.

5. Duplication of orders and roles inside the order

The target problem here was to reduce the time to recreate orders quickly. To simplify the work, we introduce the capability to duplicate existing orders, or a separate role inside the order. Duplication also copies a part of the future schedule.

Other product improvements

  1. Sending email notification to the user only when the candidate approves a shift or a period (rejection notification removed).

  2. Made the candidates table empty state the same as for orders.

  3. Included assignment information in revert approval SMS.

  4. UI Improvements in Recruiter's and Customer's interfaces for avoiding double-booking, and make it more user-friendly.

  5. Added "Empty" option to the schedule filter.

  6. Minor UI changes in the order creation form.


  1. The same skill could be selected in the mandatory skills field and the optional skills field multiple times.

  2. Contact details of user in Globus was missing in order details.

  3. The user couldn't edit specific customers.

  4. List of candidates in the order was limited to 6 items.

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