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Globus updates Q3 2023
Pål Torgersen avatar
Written by Pål Torgersen
Updated over a week ago

Release Version 1.9.1 & 1.9.2 (30.09.2023)

New features

1. New filter for orders with "Email receiver"

Users are now able to filter orders of a specific (email) receiver by adding this criterion in the Filter options.

Receiver values will include all email addresses the orders parsed have been sent to, including emails for other staffing agencies. If you just want to see your own domains please contact support and we will blacklist all other domains.

This filter can also be used to separate segments based on more than one mailbox (ex if you have separate mailboxes for different locations or roles).

2. Color-coding in orders list

We have now added color coding from the parsing model based on confidence levels in matching the correct customer, project, roles, etc. The more manual feedback given by users, the more confidence the model will get in setting the fields automatically.

There are 3 options of colors for each field:

  • No data set: model was not able to set any value (no match found), missing information in email etc.

  • Yellow (low confidence): the model has set a value based on limited user feedback so the model is unsure if it's selecting the right value (users should make sure to verify this selection manually)

  • Green (high confidence): the model is pretty sure of finding the right value.

The confidence thresholds for each tenant and field and be adjusted. Meaning if the model keeps setting incorrect fields we need to increase the confidence thresholds. This means the model needs to be really sure (high confidence) that it has found the correct value before setting it.

***Note: This feature has to be enabled and only apply to tenants with parsing. When customer data is fetched from an ATS and the sender is unique to a customer/ project combination it will not run the model, just set the connected customer/ project based on such sender. Ex Customer contact / project resource in Recman or contact person in Webtemp.

3. New column "Assignee" in the orders list

Assignees / responsible are now visible in the list of orders, which helps users easily see who is assigned to the order without having to check the order details. It is possible to assign orders automatically and/or manually based on your configuration. It is also possible to set multiple assignees for one order.

4. Email parsing and processing diagnosis panel

Similar to Assignee, the email parsing and parsing processing panel can now also be easily accessed and viewed from the orders list. Click the AI button and you will see the confidence levels and why the model has selected a specific value. In the top of the panel, it is also possible to see the email sender, subject and the first part of the connected email.

Release Version 1.9 (12.09.2023)

New features

1. Order updates from email

We are excited to announce that order updates from email (parsing) has been launched. This enhancement helps automate the process of capturing and incorporating new information received via email. Orders will now be updated based on email in the same thread (ex cancellations "already solved", additional shifts added etc) without the need for manual intervention, resulting in increased productivity.

This feature will become helpful in the following cases:

  • Order cancellation by customer: When a customer sends an email requesting the cancellation of an entire order, the system will automatically update the order status to reflect the cancellation, ensuring accurate tracking and preventing unnecessary efforts on an inactive order.

  • Cancellation of specific shifts: If a customer wants to cancel a specific shift that is no longer relevant, they can communicate this via email. The system will update the order accordingly, removing the canceled shift from the schedule.

  • Completion of order with uncovered shifts or periods: If a customer indicates that the order is completed and any shifts not covered by candidates are no longer relevant, they can communicate this via email, and the system will update the order status to reflect completion and mark any uncovered shifts as no longer active.

The new feature only supports updates in the same mail thread.

2. Extended manual filtering in Adjust Recommendations and in create order/edit

This new feature has been released to empower you in matching cases with greater flexibility, enabling you to find perfect candidates for orders. In order to build complex matching rules, you can add as many filters as you like.

This feature is very helpful in cases where you need to combine more than two mandatory skills with various logical operators. You can now easily define such combinations by using logical operators such as OR and AND for different mandatory skills. All independent filter types are separated by AND.

For example you can filter for candidates who possess either an "Intensive nurse certificate" OR "Intensive nurse experience" AND "Driver Licence B".

Within each filter type, ex "Role" or "Mandatory skill" you can choose between the following logic (same as in segments):

any of these - the candidate must match one of the criteria set

all of these - the candidate must match all of the criteria set

none of these - the candidate must not match any of the criteria set

missing - candidate has no value on filter type (ex missing role)

The following values will be eventually provided through this feature:

  • Improve precision in candidate matching: recruiters can precisely filter candidates based on multiple mandatory requirements, ensuring a higher possibility of finding the most suitable candidates.

  • Enhance efficiency in candidate search: recruiters can save time and effort by quickly narrowing down the candidate pool to those who meet the desired criteria.

  • Increase flexibility in the recommendation system: Multiple filters add a new layer of flexibility to our recommendation system. Search criteria to the unique needs of each order has now been tailored and a wider range of matching can now be explored.

3. Default role and skills on customer or department/project

Globus now supports default roles and skills to be set on customer or department/project level for those instances when the order does not include any information about the role and/or skill required. The feature will help streamline the order creation process by pre-filling the role or skills in the order when a customer or department is selected.

In order to set up this feature, you need to:

  1. Choose the Customer that you want to set up a default role and/or skill in Customer Tab, then choose Edit Profile (see image)

  2. Add the default role(s) and skill(s) for that Customer (see image - section 1) or for a specific Department/ project of that customer (see image - section 2). Click Save Changes to save the selection.

When you create a new order, the default role(s) & skill(s) will be automatically added to the form after you choose a specific customer & department/ project.

Other improvements

  1. It's now possible to cancel shifts and periods if they are no longer actual.

  2. Improve dropdown fields with the search: do search requests to the backend.

  3. Work experience filter: All checkboxes are now pre-selected by default.

  4. Work experience filter in the recommender panel: options in the dropdown with Customer and Department from the Order are pre-selected by default.

  5. Campaigns editor: the AI-based text enhancers return text in the same language as the original text.


  1. The candidate's UI now works on older iPhone (Iphone 6).

  2. Order edit UI: bug in headcount.

  3. UI fixes in the add opportunities/candidates windows.

  4. Removed phone number validation for blank values (not required).

  5. Candidates: bug in e-mail validation on BE resolved.

  6. Cookie-consent: full policy not showing when clicking the link 'See full cookie policy'.

  7. Bug in Customers when the result of searching was empty resolved.

  8. Order: problems with saving role value. the role is selected, but after saving is detected as not filled.

  9. Order: The "In progress" icon was absent next to the shift if the headcount was more than 1 and the shift was in different status.

  10. Improvement in presentation to customers.

  11. Recommender panel: don't restore saved preset when unsaved changes modal opens.

  12. Shifts with the same start and end time couldn't be approved.

  13. Order: "Mandatory, at least one required" skill disappeared after saving the order.

  14. Campaigns: The Enhance function translated the parameters.

Release Version 1.8.1 (17.08.2023)

New features

1. Schedule generation powered by AI

We are excited to continue applying AI to offer additional automation in the shifts or period scheduling process. This addition to our platform enables users to effortlessly create complex or large schedules when creating or modifying orders. Time-consuming and potential errors caused by manual scheduling will now be efficiently eliminated.

In order to use this new feature, you just simply click to Generate schedule with AI while creating a new order or when editing an existing one.

The scheduling process can then be finished with two simple steps:

  • Step 1: input scheduling requirements in plain language (you can use any preferred language) and click "Apply". You can choose to add to the existing shifts/periods or replace them fully.

  • Step 2: wait for the AI to generate the schedule automatically.

    >>> Tips: If you input quite complex schedule requirements, AI will need some time to finish generating. Meanwhile, you can utilize this waiting time to fulfill other required information in your order.

This new feature would be extremely helpful in the following cases:

  • Creating recurring shifts: Users can simply specify the desired frequency, duration, and time frame for recurring shifts. For example, you can input "evening shifts from 4pm to 10pm on Wednesdays, next 5 weeks" or "weekdays 8am - 10am in August", and the AI will handle the rest.

  • Handling complex shift patterns: Staffing agencies often face the challenge of managing sophisticated shift patterns. With the AI-powered schedule generation, users can input complex patterns, such as "3 shifts on Monday and Tuesday, shifts on Wednesday, and 1 shifts on Thursday, til 10 October" or "rotating shifts. morning, afternoon, and night every 4 days, from 10.09.2023 to 18.10.2023" the AI will accurately generate the corresponding schedule.

  • Headcount: Users can also include headcount in the schedule generation request, ex "create two evening shifts from 15.00 to 22.00 on Wednesdays and Fridays and one day shift on Saturdays from 07.00 to 15.00"

2. Enhancement of the email processing with customer and department/project user prompts

In order to take a significant step towards improving the email processing capabilities of Globus platform, we are thrilled to introduce user prompts. This means users are now allowed to provide prompts, suggestions, or clarifications in plain text to enhance the AI's ability to extract essential information from emails. This feature ensures more accurate data extraction, even for agreement-specific details and customer-specific abbreviations, resulting in streamlined order processing and improved candidate matching.

There are 2 ways to add user prompts:

  • After orders are automatically generated from integrated emails, you can simply enhance the information extracted from that email by clicking Enhance email processing in the Order Editing window.

    Then you can add or modify user prompts that will specifically apply only to that customer or department/project

  • In another way, you can also add or modify user prompts in the Customer Profile ( go to Customers page -> then select Customer you want to change and click Edit Profile)

    Then you can add/ modify user prompts that can apply either to all departments/ projects of that customer (by filling in rules under General Information - image 1) or just to a specific department/ project (by filling in rules after Department/Project Name - image 2)

Email enhancement processing can benefit you in the following cases:

  • Improved Data Extraction: Users can now provide prompts, suggestions, or clarification in plain text within the platform. These prompts will be utilized to enhance the AI's ability to extract essential information from emails received from specific customers or departments.

  • Handling Agreement-specific data: by allowing users to input information that may only be mentioned in agreements, ensures that no critical details are overlooked during email processing. This feature greatly reduces the risk of missing out on crucial requirements specified by customers.

  • Abbreviation recognition: staffing agencies often encounter specific abbreviations used by their customers, such as "LN" for London City or "N" for night shift from 10 pm to 6 am. With user prompts, recruiters can provide clarifications for these abbreviations, enabling accurate extraction of data and eliminating any misunderstandings.

3. New Recommender Panel with filters

As a powerful addition Globus platform, the updated Recommender Panel has now been released with enhanced candidate filtering capabilities. This new feature empowers recruiters with the flexibility to customize and refine the list of recommended candidates based on specific criteria, ensuring a more precise match with job requirements and client preferences.

The list of recommended candidates can be modified in "Adjust Recommendations" by adding additional filtering for location, tag, responsible user, etc.

For each type of filter, you can choose to include or exclude one or many values of that field. This can help enhance matching results following your need to extend it with alternative roles or to exclude people from specific locations.

>>> Tip: There would be no need to further refine the list by candidates who already have specific experience at the current customers or customers with a similar role.

The skills & competencies can also be set to be Mandatory or Optional in the screening for suitable candidates.

This new upgrade feature would be most helpful in the following cases:

  • Location-based filtering: Recruiters can exclude candidates from specific locations, ensuring that the recommended candidates are geographically aligned with job requirements and client preferences.

  • Using internal tags: Limiting or excluding by custom tags allows to create pools of candidates and use them within the order fulfillment process effectively.

  • Alternative role enhancement: Recruiters can enhance the list of recommended candidates by including alternative roles that closely match the desired skills and qualifications. This helps expand the pool of potential candidates, increasing the chances of finding the perfect fit.

  • Experience-based filtering: The updated Recommender Panel also enables recruiters to further refine the list by selecting candidates who already have specific experience at the current customer or customers with a similar role. This feature helps recruiters find candidates with relevant industry knowledge and domain expertise.

4. Combined location filter

Recruiters can now select any location type easily and intuitively using a single, unified filter, eliminating the need for navigating between multiple filters. The new filter is available in all product interfaces, such as lists of candidates and orders, Recommender Panel, and Talent Engagement campaigns editor.

Other product improvements

  1. Manual search for candidates in the order fulfillment UI filters now 'pin' candidates, which allows to use the search function to find candidates whom the recruiter has already communicated with. (Previously user would have to perform an action on the candidate from search for it to be pinned to the list)

  2. Improved functionality to prevent approval of overlapped shifts and periods within one role.

  3. Modify date is now always set to create date and updated when a new email in the same email thread is received. By changing to sorting by Modified date, orders will be sorted similarly to the connected mailbox with the most recent email/order on top.

Bug fixes

  1. Issues with contact details in email preview / edit.

  2. Localisation issue with GPT prompts for Campaign email.

  3. Fixed broken behavior for candidates with different id and candidateId.

  4. Order fulfilment UI: The user couldn't scroll to the rightmost shift.

  5. The sorting of orders in Dashboard was incorrect.

  6. Candidate could receive a cancellation email when they were declined (even partially) by customer.

  7. Availability page sometimes could be broken after a refresh.

Release Version 1.8 (28.07.2023)

New features

1. Easily edit time on shifts or periods

We are happy to inform you that you can now edit start and end times for individual shifts or periods while in new status (not in progress or approved). This means that you can easily make adjustments without having to delete and add the shifts from scratch. Save time and improve efficiency!

2. Warning when candidates are missing contact information or have unsubscribed from emails

An additional improvement in this release is that we will start highlighting candidates missing relevant contact information or candidates that have unsubscribed from receiving availability requests or orders via email.

Different types of warnings or notifications:

a. Warning when sending availability requests or opportunities:

b. Warning icon in the candidate's panel:

c. Warning icons on the candidate's profile:

Moreover, candidates with missing contact details can also be excluded by using filters in the matching.

Use this improvement to:

a. Identify missing contact information on candidates

b. Reach out to candidates who have unsubscribed from receiving orders to understand the reason why this has happened.

3. Candidates can specify detailed email preferences and subscriptions

We are excited to introduce more flexibility for the candidates in Globus, allowing them to select which emails they will receive based on their personal preferences. This allows for candidates to only receive the information they are interested in, and also significantly reduces the risk of candidates unsubscribing to all emails, which used to be the case before this update.

Candidates can now choose to unsubscribe from availability requests, opportunities/jobs, and other information emails individually. SMS sending is not affected by these preferences.

Other improvements

  • Order fulfillment UI

    • The top row showing shifts/periods and times is pinned when scrolling.

    • New loading screens were added for manual actions so users can see that the system is working.

    • Approved shifts/periods are autoselected in registration-mode.

    • Support for rest-time calculations within one order.

  • Order edit UI:

    • Improved auto-assigment to user based on customer/department(project)

    • Improvements in start/endtime input to support tabbing and quick inputs (10h = 10:00)

  • Email and phone number on candidates are now optional on the candidate profile

  • Responsible user is now an optional field for customer

  • Separate column for "Registered" added in order-overview

  • Search improvements in attachments and by sender or domain of order from parsing

  • Role mapping learning loop in parsing: don't overwrite existing mappings.

  • Improved validation of salary and rates for Webtemp registration dialog window.


  • Customer UI: Sorting of shifts and periods by date and time.

  • Order status didn't change to active when just one shift or period was not approved.

  • Candidate total counter was not updated after mass deletion by ETL.

  • The message "Failed to load segment" should not be displayed when there is no active segment set.

  • Notification for candidates on declined approvals were missing.

  • Order status changed to Closed automatically when all shifts are approved/registered.

  • Opportunities Cache update error on order expiration.

  • Double request to BE API/Recommender/V2 (impacted performance).

  • Decline notifications were missing for the recruiter.

  • A red dot and "Order was expired" notification were missing when all shifts were expired.

  • UI problems with displaying the list of orders with 'sort by'.

  • Order fulfilment UI: showed menu with manual actions for empty cells (when a candidate is unavailable).

  • Order fulfilment UI: headcount was less than the approved candidates for the shift.

  • Order fulfilment UI: The Due date icon wasn't red when the deadline was surpassed.

  • Order fulfilment UI: Cells in Registered state weren't considered when counting check boxes on manual confirmation.

  • Order fulfilment UI: Icons and candidates were overlapping in some cases.

  • No full policy by the link 'See full cookie policy'.

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