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2.5 Order filter descriptions*
2.5 Order filter descriptions*

Detailed descriptions of all order filters available in Globus

Pål Torgersen avatar
Written by Pål Torgersen
Updated over a year ago

In the following article we will describe all available filters in Globus that can be used in segments and to find specific orders.

The different filters have different options, ex. the possibility to choose filtering type:

For example for the Assignee filter it is possible to choose between the types:

  • "any of these" = if orders match one of the values selected, it will show the orders in the list.

  • "all of these" = if orders match all of the values selected, it will show orders in the list.

  • "none of these" = if orders match one of the values selected, it will not show these orders in the list.

  • "empty" = if there are no values on order for this field, it will show these orders in the list.


Filter name

Functional description


Filter on order responsible, what user(s) have been assigned to work with this order.

This can be set manually in order edit, in the order list by clicking the assignee column, or automatically from the customer or department if one or more responsible have been imported from the ATS/integration.

Assignment status

This filter can be used to filter the status of orders. The status will be set based on the status of the shift or period that has come the "farthest" in the process. This means that an order with 4 shifts or periods where one shift or period has the status "Approved", will have the order status "Approved", even if the 3 other shifts or periods are in "new" state (no actions).

In the first dropdown, you can choose the status you would like to filter on. Ex. all orders with one or more shifts or periods that have been sent to candidates. This will include all orders that have had the status "Sent" at one time in the process, even if they are in a later status ex "Approved" at this time. It is possible to choose multiple different statuses

In the second dropdown, it's possible to combine the status set, with a specific candidate to see all orders with a shift or period in a status for one specific candidate. Ex. all "Approved" orders for candidate XYZ


This filter can be used to filter orders on customer(s). This could be one or more customers.

*unverified orders from parsing (yellow) will not show using this filter, use search to find these.

Date created

"Date created" is the date and time an order was first created in Globus (from emails, portals, or manually). With this filter you can filter on all orders created between two dates (or the same date) using the type "in range" or all orders created "out of range" (not created between the set dates).


This filter can be used to filter orders on department(s)/project(s). This could be one or more department(s)/project(s).

*unverified orders from parsing (yellow) will not show using this filter, use search to find these.

Empty fields

This filter can be used to filter orders that are missing information in certain fields. By using the different types you can narrow down the filter, ex. if I want to filter all orders thats either missing "Customer" or "Role" you can do the following:

This will return all orders with missing "Customer" OR missing "Role" OR missing both.

By using type "all of these":

You will only get orders missing both "Customer" AND "Role"


The location filter is used to filter orders on location information connected to the Customer or Department/Project. It is possible to filter by multiple locations on country, post area or even specific postcodes.

Order status

Filter orders based on active orders or closed orders (manually closed, all shifts/periods registered, expired etc).


With email parsing, this filter can be used to filter on specific receiving email addresses. Ex. if you have multiple different mailboxes that are redirected to one folder for parsing to Globus, it is possible to filter orders based on what email address originally received the order.

It is also possible to filter on all other receivers of the same emails if you want to compare what competing staffing agencies received the same order.

*If you don't want to see other domains or email addresses, the receivers can be pre-filtered ex on Get in touch with your CS-rep to configure this.


Filter on what role(s) are set in the order. Use the filter type to exclude, include, or show only orders with empty role.


Filter orders on date frame, to show only orders with shifts or periods between set start date and set end date. Orders with one shift or period within the set timeframe will show in the list.

You can also choose orders outside a timeframe or with no schedule by using the different filter types.


Filter within an already defined segment.
If you have already created some personal segments, showing in the left hand menu on your orders page, you can use these together with other filters to filter within the predefined segment.

In this example we've used the "Today's orders"-segment and filtered it down using Role in addition.


If you have the order-sharing module as part of your subscription, you can filter on shared and not shared orders.

Skill & Competencies

This filter, similar to role, lets you filter orders on specific skills or competencies added to the order. These could be either mandatory or optional skills. Filter types can also be used to include, exclude, or filter orders with no skills or competencies added.

Source of orders

Provides the option to filter orders on source (where did it come from). This will be dependent on your region and setup.

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