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Globus Updates Q3 2024
Tor avatar
Written by Tor
Updated over a week ago

Release Version 1.15 (08.08.2024)

  • What’s New with GPT-4o:

  • Enhanced understanding of language: GPT-4o offers a significant boost in understanding of texts and languages, particularly in schedule parsing. You will notice a marked improvement in how our system interprets and organizes data from emails and portals

  • Improved understanding of dates and schedules: GPT-4o excels at distinguishing between shifts and periods, providing more precise and reliable scheduling information

  • Better handling of edge cases: The new AI is adept at dealing with complex and unusual scenarios, ensuring that even the most intricate details are parsed correctly.

  • Orders table redesign

Select the right orders to work on!

When the order page and your order inbox fills up (which is a good thing!), it becomes harder and more difficult to stay organized and up to date. That's why we have included several improvements to help you stay on top of your inbox and prioritize the most urgent, important and valuable orders.

  • Click the headers to sort every column! Click the header name to sort alphabetically or from oldest to newest or vice versa, or sort by the role name. You can play around by clicking the header names and see what happens.

  • Redesign of the Order Segments on the left side, placing My Segments on top, and arranging the recommended Segments more intuitively and according to your workflow.

  • Order source and actions in one click

Quick preview of emails and orders from job portals in the side panel!

Simply click the Details button on an order to bring out the side panel with the original order (email or portal) from the customer in the Source tab, or click the Details tab for an AI generated summary of the order, and skills required for the job. This also includes an auto-generated summary for the candidates to read! You're welcome! 🙂

  • Bulk actions

Easier to work with many orders and choose what orders to work with, as you can now select multiple orders and perform actions such as tagging, closing (to keep a clean inbox), or sharing multiple orders (contact your Globus contact person to learn more about how you can share orders from Globus to 3rd party applications).

  • Tags for orders

In the previous release, we introduced order Tags. With bulk actions, you can now Tag multiple orders at the same time!

Pro-tip: Combine search, filtering and segmentation, and bulk actions to make the most out of the new product features. Create a set of important tags that you want to use and be consistent. Maybe you want to mark orders from certain customers as prioritized, time critical, strategically important, high value or label orders according to what you need in statistics view; order lost to competitor, assignment extended, etc. With flexible tags, the opportunities are endless. You can set the labels directly on the order, or have the tag labels assigned automatically on every order from the customer or department. You choose!

  • Bemlo integration

We can now access orders in the Bemlo portal, including schedules and more information about the orders. Please contact your Customer Success Representative for more information on how to access this and enable the new feature!

Other improvements:

  1. Improvements in Integration with Webtemp

  2. Recman integration includes Service Type

Release Version 1.14 (04.07.2024)

  • Use tags to organize your inbox and streamline your work with orders:

Problem Solved

We've heard from many of you that grouping orders based on certain traits or characteristics would significantly improve your workflow. Whether you need to:

  • Mark orders from specific customers as prioritized, time-critical, strategically important, or high value.

  • Label orders to reflect various statuses or outcomes, such as "order lost to competitor" or "assignment extended."

With our new flexible tagging system, the possibilities are endless. You can:

  • Set tags directly on the order.

  • Automatically assign tag labels to every order from a specific customer or department.

This customization allows you to tailor the system to your unique needs and ensures that important orders are easily identifiable and actionable.

What's New

Introducing tags on orders! This new feature enables you to:

  • Segment and filter: Use tags to improve your work with segmentation and filtering. Create tags that reflect the categories important to you and apply them as needed.

  • Enhanced search: All tags are searchable using the search field, making it easy to find specific orders or groups of orders quickly.

  • Organized inbox: Quickly sort, filter, or search for the tags you create to keep your inbox organized and efficient.

  • Reporting integration: The tags you create are also integrated into the Statistics and Insights reports, providing you with deeper insights and more detailed analytics.

Example: If you want to see how many orders you have lost to customers, and keep track of this manually, create a tag for it - and you can monitor it as a metric in your statistics over time:

It is easy to set tags on individual orders and/or per customer / department.

To automate tag setting on new orders, simply set them on the customer or department level and the tags will be applied to all new orders coming in:

  • Read order details from Bemlo portal

Problem Solved

Information in the emails from Bemlo is limited, so you may need to go into Bemlo to see more details about requirements, schedule and other relevant information. With Globus' new integration, we can now read this information into Globus for you. Please contact your CS representative for more information on how to enable this functionality.

What's New

All new orders from Bemlo will be available with more detailed information in Globus, without needing to log in to the Bemlo portal to check every order. Quickly review it in Globus and evaluate whether you want to work with this order. Remember to set yourself as responsible for the customer in Globus to be notified on new orders from the customer!

  • Tell your candidates where to go!

Problem Solved

Save time and emissions! Instead of googling customer locations and candidates' home addresses, you now have it at the click of a button.

What's New

In the order, simply click the directions symbol, and Globus will (together with Google Maps), tell you where to go.

💪Other improvements:

  • Mobile improvements: Improvements in the design and front-end now makes it easier to use on mobile. We recommend holding your phone in landscape mode (sideways) for a better experience. Bookmark the page ( in your browser and use Globus 'on the go'.

  • Allowing presentation, approval and registration of candidates who are partially available in period. Blocking of this is removed so that it's possible to continue registration of partially available candidates

  • The new module 'Order sharing to 3rd party systems' (e.g. automatic sharing orders to websites, publishing job positions to ATS system or connecting with Social media) will also include values that are not yet connected to your internal customers, departments or roles.

  • 'Remove tags' functionality is added to the Candidates multi-select options (Will be released July 9th)

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