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Gloww Recaps

Learn how Gloww Recaps work and how to get the most out of them.

Gil Selka avatar
Written by Gil Selka
Updated over a year ago

Gloww’s session recaps keep all the data and content of your session, ensuring the fun and learning don't end when the session is over. With the session recap, you can:

  • Learn from this session to inspire and improve the next session by seeing where participants are most engaged

  • Capture the content created in the live session and send it to those who couldn’t attend to keep them in the loop

  • Share the session’s funny and happy moments with the team and relive them

What is a session recap

Session recaps are created when the session ends. A session recap page includes the following:

  • General session information

  • The recording of the session, if recording was activated

  • Screenshots of the most important moments in the session

  • Data about the participants and their activity and engagement throughout the session

Working with the Recap Page

Recap page structure and content

The recap page is made of 2 sections: Summary and Highlights


The summary section includes general information about the session:

  • Thumbnail image

  • Name

  • Duration

  • Host name

  • Date

  • Number of participants

  • Average rating it received from participants

The top right area includes the Share Recap button and the Recap Actions button.

Session highlights

The session highlights section includes a list of session screenshots. These were either taken automatically by Gloww or manually by the session host.

In the top right area of this section, the ‘Export participant results’ button allows downloading participant activity data in excel format.

Accessing the recap page

Currently there are 2 ways to access the recaps page:

  1. When the session ends, an email with a link to the recap page is sent to the host. If you don’t get it, check your spam folder.

  2. A link to the recap appears for the host when ending the session.

In the future we will add a page that lists all your recaps within the Gloww application.

Viewing and downloading the session recording

If the session was recorded, a play button is placed on top of the session’s thumbnail image, as well as the recording length at the bottom right corner of the thumbnail.

To view the recording, just click on the thumbnail. A new browser tab will open playing your recording video.

To download the recording to your computer:

  1. Open the recording player.

  2. Click on the three dot button in the bottom right of the video player.

  3. Click on Download.

Sharing the recap page

  1. Click on the Share Recap button in the top right of the summary section.

  2. Toggle On “Make this accessible to anyone with the link“.

  3. Copy the link and send it to the people you’d like to share the recap page with.

Note that to access the recap page, users will need to be logged in to Gloww.

In the future, we will enable sharing the recaps page automatically with the session participants and sharing with specific people.

Viewing, sharing and downloading screenshots

To see a larger view of the screenshots

  1. Click on any screenshot thumbnail in the Session Highlights section.

  2. Use the arrows (on screen or in the keyboard) to navigate to the next or previous screenshots in large view.

To download a screenshot to your computer

  1. Click on the ‘Download’ button next to the screenshot thumbnail you’d like to download.

  2. Or - Click on the ‘Download’ button in the large screenshot view.

To share a screenshot

  1. Click on the Share button next to the screenshot thumbnail.

  2. Click on one of the Share options in bottom right of the large screenshot view.

Viewing results data in excel

To view detailed data about your participants and their engagement in the session, click on the ‘Export participant results’ button in the top right area of the Session Highlights section.

The Excel file includes 2 tabs: Participants and Questions.

The Participants tab includes general information about each of your session participants:

  • Participant name as appeared in the session

  • Email (for logged in participants)

  • Device

  • Browser

  • Location

  • Join time

  • Leave time

In addition, the Participant tab includes data about the each participant’s engagement during the session:

  • The participant’s response to the satisfaction session rating (prompted at the end of the session)

  • Leaderboard score

  • The participants responses to every quiz question, poll, word cloud question

  • Any Sticky Note the participants wrote

The questions tab includes aggregated data about each quiz, poll, word cloud and sticky note activity in your session.

Deleting the recaps page

To delete a recap page:

  1. Click on the three dots button in the top right of the Summary section.

  2. Click on Delete Recap

  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

    Careful! this can't be undone.

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