Managing comment notifications by process

Now you can decide which users that should receive comments by process. This way you ensure that e.g. only editors get notified.

Peter Olsen avatar
Written by Peter Olsen
Updated over a week ago

Let's imagine you have an operating process that 200 users are part of. Perhaps you don't want everybody to get an email notification if one user makes a comment. Now you can either turn off comments or ensure that only the Owner and Editors get notified.

The default setting is that all process members or editors get an activity digest email every hour, day or week (based on their individual preferences). If you want to change this then...

  1. Go to the process where you want fewer updates.

  2. Turn the edit mode on.

  3. Click on 'Process Settings'

4. Adjust settings and save:

Once you have saved this then comments to any of the process' activities will only be shared in accordance with your settings. 

Who can change this and when?
This can be changed by any process editor. You can change these settings at any time.

Can the comments then be seen by other users?
Yes, the comments will still be visible on the activity page (and searchable). The only difference is that they are not included in a notification email.

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