Frequently asked questions

51 articles
How to update enrollment statusUnderstanding how the enrollment update procedure works
Why can't I see my shared content?This article aims to identify and fix the problem of viewing shared content.
Setting Custom Domain Url
Cannot login via the link in the emailWhy can't I login through the link in the email I received? Why am I being redirected to the login page?
Random characters showing in downloaded excel fileOpening an excel file to find your data showing random characters?
How to change my password
How to Remove Content From a Group
How to Manually Send a Welcome EmailSend welcome email manually
How to bulk remove users
Course Survey and Recommendations
Setting up Completion Rules for Individual Learning ItemsLearn how to add completion rule for individual learning items
How to add, edit and remove due-date in assigned learning items
Award Goal Types and Completion TriggersThis article aims to explain the logic and differences of award's goal types
Troubleshooting errors in portals and course
How to View and Export Learner's individual Answer AttemptsThis article will guide you in viewing and exporting individual learner's answer attempts in a quiz.
Browser and Device supportUnderstand what browser and device you need to learn through Go1
How to view and edit an inactive userThis article will teach you how to view and edit inactive/blocked users.
Uploading video assignmentThis article is for learners to set-up their video settings.
What support does Go1 offer to partners?
Creating a user without an email addressHow to create a user account for an individual that does not have an email address
My course is not loadingSteps to take if your course is not loading
3rd party LMS Content playback errors
Domain WhitelistingRunning into issues with certain parts of the platform? Try whitelisting these domains!
Update my welcome messageWelcome your team to your Go1 Platform through a message on your learner dashboard
How to determine what URL to whitelist for a Go1 courseIf your IT security is strict, you may need to look into whitelisting course specific URL's for everything to run smoothly.
How to enroll and re-enroll users via course report
Award Expiration Logic
Too many failed sign in attempts lockoutLocked out of your account due to too many failed attempts? We can help!
How to change your learner's email addressThis article here is a guide for admin to make changes to the learners email address.
Send a custom email notification to usersHow to manually generate a welcome email
Uploading a certificate on behalf of a learnerHere you will find the steps needed to upload a certificate on behalf of a learner. Done through an Award for Recognised Prior Learning
Login Issues - Why can't I login?You might be logging into the wrong portal.
Why won't my course complete?Learn how to update mark items as complete in order to finish a course
Removing a userHow to deactivate an active user
How to delete an enrollmentHow to un-enroll students from courses
Why has my CSV upload failed?Common CSV upload fail reasons and troubleshooting
What file types does Go1 accept when uploading?What files types does your system accept when uploading?
What is a SCORM?What is a SCORM
I am having a SCORM or interactive file issueCommon error message received with SCORM and Interactive Files
Redeeming discount vouchersHow to apply your discount voucher when purchasing a course
Booking a course with an eventHow does a learner book a course? We can show you :)
Creating Courses ErrorsHow to troubleshoot common errors when creating courses
Blinkist Premium FAQsCustomer guide
Understanding Adyen's KYC Process in Go1Pay
How to Activate Your Go1Pay WalletThis guide will walk you through activating the Go1Pay Wallet feature with a few easy steps.
How to Activate Your Go1Pay IntegrationIn this easy guide, we'll walk you through the steps to activate the Go1Pay integration.
How to Create a Request in Go1PayLearn how to request a resource from outside and inside our Go1Pay platform.
Content Quality & Freshness
How to Approve Requests for Managers in Go1Pay
A Guide to Deactivating Go1PayWhen deactivating your Go1Pay account, follow these steps for a seamless transition and to tie up loose ends.
Accessing Blinkist PremiumA guide for learners gaining access to Blinkist Premium via the Blinkist app