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This article explains how to use and create filters in order to customize the recommendations for your sales organization.

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
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Initial filters

When you are up and running with Goava, we will automatically choose an initial filter setup for your company based on your current customer base. Let’s play with the thought that 80 percent of your current customers are within retail, what our platform will do is to provide you with similar prospects since it's most likely that they are in need of your products and services.

Other parameters that the platform identifies to determine Customer Fit is company type, revenue, growth, industry, specific words and much more. If you want to know more click here.

This all is thanks to Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Big Data, to really help you focus on the deals that will accelerate your sales growth!

You can also add and create new filters based on what's in your interest. In that way you can target a specific market and follow companies, recruitment processes or other news - all in one place! Thanks to Goava you can now work more data driven and save a lot of time. Time is money! 💰📈

Here is how to create a new filter:

In the left menu filter bar it is possible for you to add what parameters you want to filter by. If you save the filter in order to customize your platform, you can easily do that as well! Just watch this video and we’ll guide you through the steps.

Start by choosing what filters you want and specify each criteria. When completed, then click on 'Save filter'.

Name your filter to something useful so that it will be easy to reuse later on. In this example we call it ‘New filter’ and is accessible in the left drop down menu under the header ‘Filters’.

If you liked this article, check out the this article about Saved Filters and we'll give you some insights and tricks for maximum value 🎯

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