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How does our recommendation system work?

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan

By understanding what customers and companies that are being processed in your CRM system, Goava Discover power is to identify patterns by analyzing the type of company you sell to. We analyze based on industry, revenue, growth, number of employees, profitability, what web techniques they use, what roles they recruit and specific keywords from their websites are just a few of all the factors that are evaluated in order to recommend which companies you and the entire sales team should process.

The companies are then ranked and given a Goava Score. The recommendations are personal and may vary because of how you interact with the platform and what type of customers each individual salesperson closes. In that way, you will automatically customize your platform and optimize your leads according to your customer fit. Great, isn't it? 🤑

Customer Fit

The Customer fit box helps you understand the Goava Score and gives you personalized insights about the company. It highlights what characteristics that are similar to your customers in the green box and the red box gives you a heads up on things that are uncommon among your customer base.

You can also manually improve your recommendations by muting certain dimensions or labels. Let's look at an example:
For us here at Goava it doesn't matter where a company is located, since we sell virtually and have a digital product it doesn't matter if a company is located in Stockholm, Trondheim, or Odense. But we happen to have more customers in Stockholm than in other cities and therefore companies in Stockholm will get a boost in the Goava Score but that's not ideal for us.

When hovering over geography in customer fit I can click to remove recommendation boosts, and here I have two choices; Remove boost for companies in Stockholm or remove geography dimension boost completely.

After clicking remove Geography dimension I get a popup informing me about what I'm about to do.

Contact us if you want to know more or want to share some feedback!

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