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How does Goava Discover works?

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan

When you start discovering new prospects they will be sorted by relevance based on what parameters are important for your sales growth. The Goava Score is a quantitative score thanks to AI/Machine Learning and algorithms and tells you about their probability.

When you click ‘👍 Qualified’ on a prospect that we recommend, they will automatically be added to your Qualified list, which means that this company is worth approaching.

On a high level, Goava is built just the same as a sales process. First you prospect companies, then qualify the companies you want to convert by contacting or booking a meeting, and later on they are your customers or reject your offer.

In that way, you can see our menu bar as the steps for your workflow!

We’ve explained what happens when ‘liking’ a prospect, so let's talk about ‘👎 Ignore’ and how that affects your recommendations.

By ignoring is simply saying that you don’t want to have that company as a customer for some reason. As Goava is learning your behavior and preferences, we will soon collect data regarding ‘Ignore reason’ for better future recommendations.

This is the same technology as Spotify uses, by analyzing the songs you like and also what you don't like to make your Discover customized for you. This will make our platform better and accelerate you sales growth!

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