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Goava Discover release 3.0.0
Goava Discover release 3.0.0

A closer look into the latest updates of Goava Discover released on August 18th, 2022.

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan

This update is one of the biggest ones we've done in a while so let's get into it!

The new Home for Prospecting - Segments

Screenshot of Segments in Goava

We're finally launching Segments which has been cooking for a long time. With Segments you'll be able to create new Segments starting from scratch, so no more having to remove all our suggested filters to start finding what you're looking for.
Your saved prospecting filters have also been converted into Segments - so you'll find everything related to prospecting under Segments in the updated navigation bar.

Sharing Segments

You can now also share Segments with your team, so you can create a Segment and then select to share it with your team, one of your colleagues, or everyone on your account.

Export contacts to CRM

One of our most requested features of this year has been to be able to export contacts from Goava's people tab to the CRM, so of course, we went ahead and did it. From launch, we support this for Pipedrive, Hubspot, and SuperOffice, so if you're connected to the CRM you will now see a new icon in the People tab which allows you to export contacts with contact information to the CRM with a single click.

New notifications

When adding companies to lists you'll now get a toast notification informing you of the progress so that you'll know when it's done and which company it was. Simple, but when you see this live I think you'll agree that it's a very nice improvement.

Improved recommendations

We want to give you the best possible recommendations on which companies to contact - so we're introducing a new feature that will reduce the number of companies you have to ignore. It's called collaborative filtering and we're using it to identify look-a-like users on your account that has similar Ignore-pattern like yourself and give a negative boost to their Goava Score.
In the picture above I can see that this company gets a negative boost because Felix W and 3 other users with similar ignore patterns as myself have already ignored it. This means that you won't see many companies like this in your recommendation feed - because we will already have moved them further back.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on these updates, so don't hesitate to reach out in the chat.

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