Hi! We have released a series of powerful upgrades to Goava Discover. We're excited to bring you some long-sought-after features for Analytics that help Sales Managers track the team's prospecting efforts and see how they are progressing through a segment.
Analytics updatesThis release contains multiple updates to Analytics - let's have a look at them one by one. Updated sales progress chartWe've made updates to the design of the sales progress chart to make it easier to read and more informative.
Understanding the Sales Progress Chart UpdateThe sales progress chart gives you an overview of how much of your segment has been processed by your sales team already. If shows:
Segment progress over timeWe've added a new bar chart that shows how your team is progressing through the segment. We're tracking both your activity in Goava and in your CRM (if integrated) to show how many companies in the segment you have qualified and viewed each month. Discover top listAnother new chart do find out who runs the world (of prospecting) 🏆
Find more newsThe news tab on the company dashboards has been upgraded 📰 Also in this release
Stick around for more updates coming soon... |
Released on 2023-05-15
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
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