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Goava Discover release 4.3.0
Goava Discover release 4.3.0

Released on 2023-05-15

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan


We have released a series of powerful upgrades to Goava Discover. We're excited to bring you some long-sought-after features for Analytics that help Sales Managers track the team's prospecting efforts and see how they are progressing through a segment.
We're also bringing updates to the news tab and many other improvements. Check it out!

Analytics updates

Screenshot of a company dashboard with a potential CRM match.

This release contains multiple updates to Analytics - let's have a look at them one by one.

Updated sales progress chart

We've made updates to the design of the sales progress chart to make it easier to read and more informative.

Understanding the Sales Progress Chart Update

The sales progress chart gives you an overview of how much of your segment has been processed by your sales team already. If shows:

  • Remaining, how big part of the segment hasn't been processed by anyone yet.

  • Qualified. in Goava or companies that have an owner in your CRM but without ongoing sales opportunities.

  • Converted, companies that have been moved to converted or that have an ongoing sales opportunity in your CRM.

  • Customers, shows how many customers you have in this segment.

  • Viewed, how many companies that have been ignored in Goava by at least one person in your sales team

  • Lost, shows how many companies with lost sales opportunities in the segment.

Segment progress over time

We've added a new bar chart that shows how your team is progressing through the segment. We're tracking both your activity in Goava and in your CRM (if integrated) to show how many companies in the segment you have qualified and viewed each month.
Great for Sales managers that want to track how the team is progressing month by month in a segment. If you launch a campaign in a segment this enables you to track and see that your team is actually working the desired segment.

Discover top list

Another new chart do find out who runs the world (of prospecting) 🏆
This top list shows what users have the most prospecting activity in Discover for a given segment. You can select different time periods and choose to only look at qualified companies. Compare yourself to your team mates and see how you stack up!

Find more news

Screenshot of Industry drill-down in Analytics with average deal values and cycle time.

The news tab on the company dashboards has been upgraded 📰
Since we use NER (Name entity recognition) which is a method we use to find company names in unstructured text to match news articles to companies we have improved the quality of our news significantly. This feature allows you to find more news that mentions the company name or any of its aliases that hasn't been tagged by NER and it also includes foreign articles.
So if you're missing news on a company, click on "find more news" and we'll fetch them for you in a second or two.

Also in this release

  • Updated financials in the summary and financial tab better tailored to salespeople's needs

  • Finnish language support 🇫🇮

  • Show the CFAR number for each workplace unit on overview tab (Swedish market)

  • Improved user experience in create segment

  • Improved performance of opening and editing filters

  • Updated CRM documentation links from settings page

  • Other small bug fixes and improvements...

Stick around for more updates coming soon...
Let's get after it!

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