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Goava Discover version 5.0.0
Goava Discover version 5.0.0

All about new filter bar and the other new features in this release, released on October 20th, 2023.

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan

Finally, it's here - a big upgrade that we've been working on for a long time.
We've gathered a lot of feedback and done a lot of prototype testing on users before we settled on a brand-new look, placement, and functionality for our filters. Filters have a new home - at the top, where it belongs, and it comes with a significant performance boost.
Let's get into the updates!

New filter bar

Screenshot of a company dashboard with a potential CRM match.

Using filters is a central part of Goava, so when we set about changing them we spent a lot of time getting it right. This resulted in a list of improvements:

  • 🔝 The new filters are now at the top

  • 🚀 Performance has been improved so that loading time is faster

  • 🌐 Free text filters, such as text from website, has moved into the filter menu

  • 🏘 We've introduced filter groups so that you can find all related filters, for example; the employees filter group includes the number of employees, employee change (growth), and group number of employees

  • 🆕 A couple of new filters; group employees, group revenue, and street address

  • 🪄 We've made updates to the feature "reset filters" and are introducing "Suggest filters" as a way to get suggestions on what filters to use

  • 📜 Added filter descriptions for each filter so you can understand how to use each filter.

  • ▶️ View selector (dashboard, thumbnail, analytics, etc.) has moved in with the filter bar

  • ↸ The sort order has also moved into the filter bar

Open in CRM for Ping

For everyone using their phone for doing business (that's everyone, right?) our app Goava Ping has gotten a nice new update. You can now open the company in your CRM directly from Ping. If your CRM's mobile app is installed, it will open it in the app. This is very efficient for when you are researching or prospecting a company on the go. If you haven't started using Goava Ping yet - now is the time!

Analytics on company size

You can now see the Goava Score for different sizes of companies, in terms of revenue and number of employees.
You can use this to understand where you're most efficient at selling; small medium, or large companies.
There is also a filter option directly in the analytics table so that you can easily change your segment based on the data you see.
You can also see the average deal value and deal cycle time for each size interval.
Another new feature here is that you can also see the number of deals that it's based on as well as see deal value for multiple currencies.

Tip of the month💡

Filtering on website keywords is one of the most powerful ways of finding those "difficult-to-find" companies. Did you know that you can use boolean search operators in this search?That means you can search for companies like;

  • "sales intelligence" using quotation marks(") returns companies that match the entire phrase

  • Search for "customer service" AND "opening hours"

  • Use the OR operator like "delivery time" OR delivery OR shipping

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