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All of our available filters and the descriptions of those filters

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
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Filter name

Filter description

Company type

Company- or organisation type is a legal categorisation of organisations. Examples of organisation types are Limited Company, Individual Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit organisation. The company type filter supports include and exclude options.

Company name

Free text search in organisation names. The search string supports boolean operators such as upper case AND, OR, NOT, as well as trailing wildcard search using asterisk *.

Registration date

The date when the organisation was registered (founded).


Industry classification according to the SNI/NACE hierarchy. The industry code describes the companies line of business. Organisations can have more than one industry code. Examples of SNI codes are "10520 - Manufacture of ice cream", "73111- Advertising agencies" and "79120 - Tour operator activities". Most organisations have at least one industry classification. The industry filter supports include and exclude options.


The geographical location of the organisations head office. You can freetext search for region, municipality, town or use the dropdown menu to select from. By checking the box "Include all workplaces" it will search for all companies that have a workplace/office in the area, regardless if it is the head office or not. The location filter supports include and exclude options.


The number of employees working at the organisation as per last reported year. Not all company types report number of employees.

Employee change

The change in number of employees from second to last reported year to last reported year.

Group employees

The number of employees working in the entire company group. Results will only include companies that are part of a company group.


The revenue of the organisation as per last reported year. Not all company types report revenue.

Revenue change

The change in revenue from second to last reported year to last reported year.

Group revenue

The revenue of the entire company group. Not all organisations types are required to report on revenue, so data availability is limited to certain company types. Results will only include companies that are part of a company group.

Equity ratio

The equity ratio is a financial metric that measures the amount of leverage used by a company and describes the company's long-term payment capacity.
It uses investments in assets and the amount of equity to determine how well a company manages its debts and funds its asset requirements. An equity ratio of 100% menas that the company is financed only with own capital and an equity ratio of 0% means they don't have any own capital at all.

Current ratio

The current ratio (or working capital ratio) demonstrates the company's ability to meet short-term payment obligations. This ratio compares a company’s current assets to its current liabilities, testing whether it sustainably balances assets, financing, and liabilities. The current ratio describes the relationship between a company’s assets and liabilities. A rule of thumb is that the current ratio should be above 100%. So, a higher ratio means the company has more assets than liabilities.


Free text search on company web sites. Web search can be used to refine search results by using any keywords. for The search string supports boolean operators such as upper case AND, OR, NOT as well as trailing wildcard search using asterisk *.


When we crawl company websites we identify web technologies that are used on the site. This filter can be used to for example find companies that use any webshop technology or a specific ecommerce platform such as WooCommerce. The technographics filter supports include and exclude options.


The contacts filter can be used to find organisations that have contact information for certain roles on their website.


The team filter can be used to include or exclude companies that have been processed, or otherwise added to a list, by other Goava users in your organisation. This is the filter you use to exclude companies that are owned by other Goava users in your CRM and allows you to prospect together without going after the same companies.


The recruitment filter can be used to find organisations that have recruited for a certain position in the Nordics on any of the following recruitment sites.
Sweden: Arbetsförmedlingen, Blocket, Metrojobb, Vakanser, Workey, Indeed
Norway: Arbeidsplassen, Finn, Indeed
Finland: Duunitori, Monster , TePalvelut, Indeed
Denmark: JobIndex, Ofir, Indeed

Recruitment publish date

The recruitment publish date can be used to find organisations that have recently published recruitment postings.

Recruitment search

Free text search in recruitment postings. Recruitment search can be used to refine search results by using keywords. The search string supports boolean operators such as upper case AND, OR, NOT, as well as trailing wildcard search using asterisk *.


The news filter can be used to find organisations that have been mentioned in news media. We have around 1200 different news topics you can filter on including changes in company data such as "new ceo", "new visiting address" and "new financial information".The media topic categorisation uses deep learning methods, quality should be considered as best effort with no quality guarantees.

News publish date

The news publish date can be used to find organisations that have recently been mentioned in news media.

News search

Free text search in news media articles. News search can be used to refine search results by using arbitrary keywords. The search string supports boolean operators such as upper case AND, OR, NOT, as well as trailing wildcard search using asterisk *.

Street address

Free text search in street address. You can for example search for Kungsgatan and it will return all companies with a street address matching Kungsgatan. Combine it with location filter to limit it to a certain town since street names are not unique.

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