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Goava Enrich premium data
Goava Enrich premium data

Information about the data available for Enrich premium.

Anton Weihard avatar
Skrivet av Anton Weihard
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan

Mapping your data

Map the data you want to import under the "Customize data import" tab in your Goava Enrich settings which you'll find a link for at the bottom section of your app panel in the CRM.

Data write and overwrite

Goava will update and overwrite existing data in the fields you map for import. If you don't want a field to be updated/overwritten then you select "Skip" in your data import mapping.

Data update frequency

Our data is updated daily and changes will instantly reflect in your CRM after being updated in Goava. Most updates come in the morning hours.

Available data for import

Data from Goava

Recommended field format in CRM


Organization number

Short text/Number

Organization number(CVR/Y-tunnus) without special characters. Example "5590811518"

No. of employees


Number of employees, for example "364"



Annual revenue in local currency. Example "22455000"

Profit margin


Profit margin in percentage. Example "23,5" or "-3,2"




Phone/Short text

Example "+46 8 553 310 00"

Annual result


Annual result in local currency. Example "22455000"


Short text/Long text

Extract from company website. Example "Över 6 milj företag - ett klick bort. Goava berättar för dig vilket av dessa företag du borde kontakta, vem du borde prata med och vad du borde prata om."

Visiting street

Short text

Example "Saltmätargatan 9"

Visiting postcode

Short text/Number

Example "11359"

Visiting city

Short text

Example "Stockholm"

Postal street

Short text

Example "Saltmätargatan 9"

Postal postcode

Short text/Number

Example "11359"

Postal city

Short text

Example "Stockholm"


Short text

SNI/Nace code and text, for example "70220 Business and other management consultancy activities"


Short text

Example "Sweden"

Company Status

Short text

The value here can be either "Active" or "Inactive"

Company situation

Short text

This some more explanatory information about the situation the company is in. Most common value is empty (""). List of all situations can be found below.

Company legal name

Short text

The legal company name, for example "Goava Sales Intelligence AB"

Group employees


Number of employees in the company group (if applicable). Example "364"

Group revenue


Revenue in the company group (if applicable). Example "22455000"

Parent organisation name

Short text

The legal company name of the parent organisation (if applicable). For example "Goava Sales Intelligence AB"

Parent organisation number


The organisation number of the parent organisation (if applicable). For example "5590811518"

Group parent organisation name

Short text

The legal company name of the top parent organisation in the group (if applicable). For example "Goava Sales Intelligence AB"

Group parent organisation number


The organisation number of the top parent organisation in the group (if applicable). For example "5590811518"

Registration date


Date of when the company was registered. For example, "2016-10-20"

List of all company situation values



"Beslutning om fusjon",


"Likvidation beslutad",

"Under frivillig likvidation",


"Under reasummering",

"Drivs i Kommission",

"Under rekonstruktion",


"Likvidation fortsätter",

"Under tvangsopløsning",

"Likvidation pågående",

"Rekonstruktion inledd",


"Fusion avslutad",

"Under konkurs",

"Likvidation avslutad",

"Uden retsvirkning",

"Vilande enligt senaste årsredovisning",

"Fusion inledd",

"Konkurs pågående",

"Enheten er meldt oppløst etter konkursloven",

"Placed in liquidation",


"Fusion tillåten",

"Konkurs avslutad med överskott",

"Enheten er meldt oppløst",

"Enheten er slettet",

"Enheten er meldt konkurs",

"Opening decision on restructuring proceedings",

"Debtor adjudicated bankrupt",


"Konkurs avslutad",

"Ingen statusinformation finns",


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