Stream File Reader

Know the component and how to use it.

Erick Rubiales avatar
Written by Erick Rubiales
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT: This documentation has been discontinued. Read the updated Stream File Reader documentation on our new documentation portal.

Stream File Reader reads a local file in a JSON structure, that currently supports CSV only, and triggers subpipelines to process each message. It should be used for heavy files.

Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component:

  • File Name: name of the local file.

  • Charset: name of the characters code for the default file reading (default UTF-8).

  • Element Identifier: attribute to be sent in case of errors.

  • Paralell Execution Of Each Iteration: occurs in parallel with the loop execution.

  • Ignore Invalid Charset: if the option is activated, the invalid charset configured in the component will be ignored along with the received file.

  • Fail On Error: if the option is enabled, the execution of the pipeline with error will be interrupted; otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the “success” property.

  • Advanced: definition of advanced parameters.

  • Skip: number of lines to be skipped before the file reading.

  • Limit: maximum number of lines to be read.

Messages flow


The component waits for a message in the following format:

"filename": "fileName"

Local File Name overrides the default local file.


"total": 0,
"success": 0,
"failed": 0

  • total: total number of processed lines

  • success: total number of lines successfully processed

  • failed: total number of line whose processing failed

IMPORTANT: to know if a line has been correctly processed, there must be the return { "success": true } for every processed line.

The component throws an exception if the File Name doesn't exist or can't be read.

The files manipulation inside a pipeline occurs in a protected way. All the files can be accessed with a temporary directory only, where each pipeline key gives access to its own files set.

This component makes batch processing. To better understand the concept, click here.

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