Know the component and how to use it.

Micaella Mazoni avatar
Written by Micaella Mazoni
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT: This documentation has been discontinued. Read the updated CMS documentation on our new documentation portal.

CMS signs and verifies messages based on a certificates chain.

Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component:

  • Operation: component operation types (Sign Fields, Sign Payload or Verify).

  • Charset: name of the characters code for the file reading (standard UTF-8).

  • Hash Algorithm: algorithm to be used to sign/verify the data (eg.: SHA256WithRSA).

  • Signed: base64 or hex-type base to be verified against the payload.

  • Original: original message signed for verification.

  • Hash in Hexadecimal: if “true”, the value to be verified/signed must be informed in hex format; otherwise, it will be signed or verified as base64.

  • Sign Fields: fields to be signed/verified (must be separated by comma).

  • Payload: defined with an unique value or Double Braces - available for the SIGN PAYLOAD and VERIFY operations only.

  • Fail On Error: if the option is enabled, the execution of the pipeline with error will be interrupted; otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the “success” property.

IMPORTANT: to sign and verify, you must configure a CERTIFICATE_CHAIN account.

CMS in Action



"parameter": "TEXT TO BE SignED"


"parameter": "AA01FF" // text Signed



"parameter": "TEXT TO BE SignED"


"result": "AA01FF" // text Signed

Request answer with error

"error": " data1.csv (No such file or directory)",
"message": "Encountered an I/O error while executing ZipFileConnector",
"success": false
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