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How to Use Slack and Elate Together
How to Use Slack and Elate Together

Learn how to connect Slack and Elate to simplify objective updates!

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Connecting Elate and Slack simplifies how you and your entire team can update objectives in Elate. We'll walk through how to connect Slack to Elate for your organization and how to use Slack and Elate together.

Elate and Slack allow your team to make updates where they already work. There is a combination of reminders that are sent out automatically, as well as reminders that Admins can manually send.

How to Connect Slack and Elate

Important: To connect Slack and Elate, you must be a Slack admin.

To connect Slack and Elate, navigate to the company management page using the arrow in the bottom left corner.

On this page, you will see a section called Connect to Slack. Select the Connect button.

You will then be redirected to a page to allow access to your Slack workspace.

Once you've allowed access it should now show as connected. Your team will now be connected with Slack!

How to Use Slack and Elate Together

Here is a short video on how to provide status updates via Slack!

After you have connected Slack in Elate, you will start to receive notifications when:

  • You are tagged in a comment in Elate.

  • You have objectives that need to be updated.

When you receive the Slack reminder to update your objectives, click "Update Your Progress" to provide updates for your objectives.

You will then be able to set the status, update any key results that need to be manually updated, and add any relevant commentary. Once you're done, select the Submit button.

Slack Commands You Can Use

Additionally, you now have a new set of commands available directly from Slack. These commands are:

  • /elate-check-in - Provide a status check-in for your objectives.

  • /elate-my-team-objectives - See all active objectives and statuses for your groups.

  • /elate-my-objectives - See a list of all of your active objectives with their statuses.

Please note Slack will only send 10 objectives, as the user checks in on an objective it will be removed and another will take its place if they own more than 10 objectives.

The Check in Command

To get started, navigate to the Elate app in Slack.

Type /elate to open up the Elate prompt, and select the check in command then select the send button or hit enter.

You will then see objectives you own that need an update listed out in Slack.

Click on an objective. In the pop up, update the objective status, update any key results that need to be manually updated, and add any relevant commentary. Click "Submit."

You have now successfully updated your objective.

My Objectives Command

To use the my objectives command, navigate to the Elate app in Slack.

Type /elate to open up the Elate prompt, and select the /elate-my-objectives command then click the send button or hit Enter.

You will then see the objectives assigned to you and are able to select the name of each one to take you to the objective in Elate.

My Team Objectives Command

To use the my objectives command, navigate to the Elate app in Slack.

Type /elate to open up the Elate prompt, and select the /elate-my-team-objectives command then click the send button or hit Enter.

You will then see all objectives owned by your team and are able to select the name of each one to take you to the objective in Elate.

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