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Connecting In Elate
Connecting In Elate

Step-by-step process of connecting in Elate

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Here is a quick video that walks through connecting the integration in Elate.

Connecting your Plugin in Elate

If you have not already connected your account to Elate using a plugin, you will need to do that first.

To do this, navigate to your My Plugins page in Elate using the arrow in the bottom left corner. Select My Plugins from the pop out.

From the plugins page, select Connect under the Monday card

You will then see a popup asking for the Monday API Key.

To find the API Key, navigate to your account. In the top right, select your icon with your picture or initials. From this pop out, select Developers.

You will then be redirected to a the Developer Center. From the left hand panel, select My Access Tokens.

This is the API key you will need to copy and paste into Elate. To copy this key, select Show on the right side.

Your API key will then appear and you are able to select Copy.

Now that you have copied your API key, you can paste it in the API Key box. Once you've pasted the key, select the blue Connect button.

You will then be taken back to your My Plugins page and you should see Monday has been added under your My Plugins section. Your Monday account has now been connected to Elate!

Connecting to an Outcome

Now that you have connected the plugin, you are able to pull information from Monday into an outcome in Elate!

To start, navigate to the outcome you want to connect. Select the 3 dot menu in the top right corner and select Connect.

You will then be asked to select which plugin you want to connect to this outcome. Select the Monday plugin.

A popup will appear allowing you to configure your outcome. You will be asked to select the board, section, status column, and what status you want to filter by. You are also able to change the cadence if you would like.

Once you're done, select the blue Save button in the bottom right corner. Your outcome should now be populated with information from your selected Monday board.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: When I am configuring an outcome, can I filter by more than one status?

A: Right now we are only able to pull information based on one status per outcome.

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