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Workplace Challenges - Pricing

GoJoe's unique team-based challenges - how much do they cost?

Joe avatar
Written by Joe
Updated over a month ago

GoJoe workplace challenges are completely unique, unbelievably engaging and inclusive. They enable workforces of all ages and abilities to compete with and against each other across over 51+ activity types. Unlike the billions of step challenges out there, GoJoe is not bothered about the steps from the sofa to the fridge (and indeed we are not a step challenge). Inclusivity is massive for us for us and those who can't or don't do steps can still take part in GoJoe challenges.

We can run 'most kms' challenges (whichever team covers the most distance in a set period, wins) - or - a 'most points' challenge...which is the same but automatically 'weights' activities to level the playing field. There's also an option to run 'team average' so that if there is an imbalance in team sizes it looks at the average points per team participant.

The challenges are completely customisable - unlimited teams, unlimited participants and unlimited fun. Password protection, branding, fundraising url, bespoke comms, challenge chat, an in-app GPS tracker and even integration of content from celebs or famous sportspeople - GoJoe has it all!

But how much do they cost, we hear you ask?

Check out our pricing page for all the information you need.

If you want to see a quick 30 minute, no strings demo, click the nuclear button below.


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