GorillaDesk offers the ability to sync jobs on your GorillaDesk calendar, directly to your Google calendar. However, this sync is not just limited to your Google calendar.
Note: This is a one-way sync from GorillaDesk to your Google Calendar. Jobs cannot be synced from your Google Calendar onto your GorillaDesk calendar.
You will need to have a Google WorkSpace Google account to sync GorillaDesk to your Google Calendar. You will also need to whitelist GorillaDesk's API in your Google WorkSpace admin panel to proceed with the calendar sync.
Click here to learn more about upgrading to Google WorkSpace.
Click here to learn how to whitelist GorillaDesk's API.
Sync with Google Calendar
Step 1: First you will need to sync directly to your Google calendar, then we can merge with your Apple calendar.
Click on the your account avatar and then click the 'Sync with Google Calendar'
Click 'Connect'
Select which calendar to sync
Then, you'll see this:
Sync to Apple Calendar
Step 2: Now, we can sync your Google calendar to your Apple calendar.
Open up your Settings on your Apple device.
Click on 'Passwords and Accounts'
Click 'Add Account'
Select 'Google'
Toggle on 'Calendar'
NOTE: Your initial sync can take 30 minutes-3 hours. Then, GorillaDesk will update changes to events on your Apple calendar every 3 minutes.
Step 3: Open your Apple calendar and enjoy!