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Merchant Surcharge
Merchant Surcharge
Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

GorillaDesk now offers the ability to automatically apply your merchant's surcharge when an invoice is paid by credit card.

Click here for more information regarding Stripe's processing fees.
Click here for more information regarding Square's processing fees. 

Please review your state's law regarding surcharge fees.

Note: Surcharge is a fixed amount of 2.9% + 30 cents of the invoice amount.
Stripe and Square can charge you more or less depending on the method and the final PAYMENT amount.

We do not price match what Square or Stripe is charging you. There is no option to do this because this happens towards the end of the transaction which is during payout.

To enable this feature:

  1. Navigate to Settings  > Addons > Stripe or Square > Enable the surcharge power up.

  2. Once enabled, you will have the ability to manage your surcharge settings:

3. Now, when adding a payment to an invoice, you'll see that "When paying by card a merchant surcharge will also be applied".

4. Your surcharge item will also appear on your receipt.

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