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Step 1: QuickBooks Sync Initial Setup
Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

This article will cover the initial setup of the QuickBooks Sync addon. Please note that the QuickBooks sync only supports QuickBooks Online, not QuickBooks Desktop.

1) Login to your GorillaDesk account and go to Settings > Addons > QuickBooks Sync > Connect.

2) If you have multiple companies, make sure you select the correct account in QuickBooks Online.

3) Click Next > Connect > Back to Settings

Now, let's review the following options you can enable in the QuickBooks Sync panel.

Tax Sync

If you are using taxes in GorillaDesk, it is highly recommended to turn this on. If you are using taxes in GorillaDesk and this is NOT enabled, your tax will sync over to QuickBooks as sales.

Once you enable tax sync, you will receive two options:

Best for single tax rate

You should select this option if you are only using one tax on your invoices in GorillaDesk. Clicking the dropdown menu will allow you to choose which tax account you would like to sync to in QuickBooks Online.

Best for multi-tax groups

You should choose this option if you are using multiples taxes on one invoice. QuickBooks Online only allows one tax per invoice so grouping taxes will allow then all to be combined when they are synced over to QuickBooks Online.

Discount Sync

If you are using discounts on invoices, you will need to select which category you would like the discounts to sync into in QuickBooks Online. Usually Discounts Given is selected.

Stripe Sync

If you are using Stripe to accept credit card payments, you will need to choose which bank account the Stripe payments are deposited into and then select a category for the fees. Usually, Bank Charges & Fees is selected for this option.

For example, if you collect $100 in GorillaDesk it will transfer to QuickBooks Online as undeposited. However, once Stripe deposits the money into your bank account it will be 2.9& + 30 cents less than the original invoice amount.

The Stripe sync will allow these payments to match even though the Stripe fee was taken out.

Credit Sync

Please note: Credits do not appear in the undeposited area in QuickBooks. Once credit sync is enabled, you will not be able to reconcile any credit with your bank deposits, even after they've been applied to an invoice.

If you leave this disabled, you can only sync credits once they have been applied to an invoice.

Once enabled, you can sync credits from Reports > All Credits.

If you sync a credit using the sync icon, it will sync to QuickBooks Online as a floating credit, but if you apply the credit to an invoice and sync again, it will update in QuickBooks Online.

When you enable the credit sync in the QuickBooks Sync panel in GorillaDesk, you will receive a prompt instructing you to disable Automatically Apply Credits in QuickBooks.

If you leave this on while syncing credits, QuickBooks Online will randomly apply those credits to any open invoice you have in QuickBooks Online which will cause a mismatch. As a result, it will be an open credit in GorillaDesk but in QuickBooks Online it will be an applied credit.

To disable Automatically Apply Credits you will need to:

  1. Open your QuickBooks Online account

  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner

  3. Select Account and Settings

  4. Click Advanced on the left-hand side

  5. Under Automation, you will see the option to disable Automatically Apply Credits

Sales of Product Income

This is the category in QuickBooks Online your sales will sync into. Generally, Sales or Sales of Product Income is selected.

Invoice Numbers

If you are using an existing QuickBooks account with existing customers and invoices, you will need to make sure your invoice number in GorillaDesk is not overlapping with an invoice number in QuickBooks Online.

If you sync an invoice from GorillaDesk that has a matching invoice number with an invoice in QuickBooks Online, you will receive an error stating the invoice number already exists and the sync will fail.

To prevent this, we recommend changing the invoice sequence in GorillaDesk if you think the invoice numbers could potentially overlap.

To change the invoice sequence in GorillaDesk:

  1. Create a new invoice

  2. Change the invoice number in the upper right corner

  3. Save

Any new invoice created after will have an invoice number following that new sequence.


Keywords: QuickBooks Sync, QuickBooks Online, Setup


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