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Step 2: Mapping customers to an existing QuickBooks account
Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

This tutorial will teach you how to connect GorillaDesk to an existing QuickBooks Online account with customers and invoices already inside.

This will allow GorillaDesk to recognize that this customer already exists in QuickBooks, and sync them into the correct account. However, you only need to do this once.

First, GorillaDesk will need the correct QuickBooks ID so the software will know they are already existing in QuickBooks. If you sync them without mapping the IDs correctly, it will create duplicate customer accounts in QuickBooks during your sync.

To begin mapping, please pull up your customer list by going to the Customers tab in GorillaDesk.

Next, it is important to have the customer name, email address, service address, QB Sync and QB ID columns displayed when viewing your customer list. This can be set up by going to the Columns + field on the top left

Clicking on the 3 dots will show you the matching account in QuickBooks Online.

You will want to make sure the email and service address is matching the customer in GorillaDesk to ensure you're mapping the correct customer accounts.

Once you've selected the account, it will highlight in purple, then click Save ID.

Then, after closing out of the window you should see an ID under the QB ID field which will represent their QB ID in GorillaDesk.

Note: You will need to repeat this process for each customer, but you will only need to map each customer once.

If GorillaDesk cannot find the customer in QuickBooks, you may receive the message “GorillaDesk tried to find a matching QB account but a match was not found.” when mapping a customer to QuickBooks. This means GorillaDesk cannot find the customer in QuickBooks.

If you are certain they are already existing in QuickBooks, follow these steps.

1) Look up the customer in QuickBooks > Go to Sales > Customers > Search > Customer's name

2) In the URL you will see nameid= then copy the number following immediately after

3) Go back to your customer list in GorillaDesk > Click Edit > Enter their QuickBooks ID (that you copied from the URL) in the QB ID field.

One more example to look at is this customer Abby Smith. After clicking the 3 dots, we can see there is a corresponding customer account for Abby in QuickBooks Online.

However, if you look closely you will notice that the customer displaying in QuickBooks is not Abby smith, but rather a different customer named Abby. This is why it's always important to check the name, email, and service address before mapping a customer to QuickBooks.

Since Abby Smith is not existing in QuickBooks, you can simply click the purple icon to sync her over, which will create a new customer account for her on the QuickBooks side.

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