Porting means that we will work with your current provider to move your number(s) to your Gorilladesk account. The process typically takes 3-6 weeks, starting from the day you submit the required documents below, and we will provide updates via email.
We are currently able to port in numbers from the continental United States and Canada. For other countries, please inquire through support, and we will check the availability for you.
Step 1: You must understand and agree to the following:
I must keep all numbers in service with my current carrier until the port completes to avoid delays or rejections.
I am responsible for any termination charges imposed by my current carrier for porting my numbers.
I may be unable to receive messages for up to 3 business days after the port completes.
Step 2: Provide the following information:
Port request name (Optional / Company name):
Residential or Business:
First name, Last name:
Address, City, State and Postal Code:
Landline & Toll-Free number:
If Wireless
Phone number:
Wireless account number:
Pin or Last 4 of SSN:
Step 3: Send us a copy of your latest available billing statement:
Carriers use billing documents to prove that you own the phone number(s) you are attempting to port. Without correct documentation, your port request can be rejected.
If you are porting a Google Voice number…
Please take a screenshot of the Google Voice settings page making sure the phone number and your email address appear in the screenshot.
If you are porting a Toll-Free, Landline, or VoIP number…
Please send us your latest monthly bill which includes the phone number(s). If your provider does not provide you with a bill, please provide a receipt of the phone number purchase and/or a screenshot of your account portal with the phone numbers included.
Step 4: Download and sign the Authorization Form
Please see attached LOA or Letter of Authorization at the bottom of this article
Email Your Port Request:
Email To:
cc: arielle@gorilladesk.com, christine@gorilladesk.com, tim@gorilladesk.com
Email Subject: PORT REQUEST
VoIP Plan Selected: (example Pro 1 User)
Port information:
Port request name (Company name):
Residential or Business:
First name, Last name:
Address, City, State and Postal Code:
Landline & Toll-Free number:
If Wireless
Phone number:
Wireless account number:
Pin or Last 4 of SSN:
Required Attachments:
Latest available billing statement
Signed Letter of authorization
NOTE: LOA Authorization Form is attached at the bottom of this article.
Account Reminder:
To avoid any service downtime when your number is ported, you must activate the VoIP plan and add your user/s upon sending a port request or upon receiving a port schedule notification.
Go to Addons > VoIP to activate.
If you do not have an active VoIP plan, GorillaDesk will activate VoIP based on the selection provided in the email.
If no selection is provided, we will activate the lowest Pro plan. We will assign this to the superadmin by default. You can adjust the plan and users when the port is completed.
You must also activate the SMS Text Messaging feature to support receiving text messages. Failure to do so will not pull incoming text to your account.
Go to Addons > SMS Text Messaging to activate.
Very Important Reminders:
It is essential to keep all numbers ACTIVE with your current carrier until the porting process is complete to avoid any delays or rejections.
The Letter of Authorization (LOA) must be signed by the registered owner of the number.
Your number will continue to work on your current provider until the port is completed.
We cannot start the porting process without the letter of authorization and the billing statement.
The process typically takes between 3 to 6 weeks to complete, starting from the day you submit the required documents mentioned previously.
You can request for a PORT OUT pin from your current carrier to speed up the process (Est 1-2 weeks).