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Written by Catherine
Updated over 9 months ago

Explore GorillaDesk dashboard feature for a comprehensive overview of your business' progress and key metrics.


  • Revenue is based on the total value of open invoices and invoices with a status of SENT. This value is based on the invoice date.

  • Collected refers to the total payment collected within the specified date range. The value is determined based on when the payment is collected.

  • Jobs Completed refers to the total number of jobs that have been completed within the specified date range.

  • New Jobs Booked Online displays the total invoice amount for new jobs created through online booking or Zapier. This amount is based on the job creation date.

  • Total New Jobs represents the total invoice value of all jobs, including those booked online, via Zapier, jobs you created manually, and recurring jobs. This value is determined based on the job creation date. Jobs with a cancelled status are not included.


  • This dashboard lists all job statuses and displays the percentage value of how many jobs are in each status, along with the exact number of jobs.

  • It also displays the invoice value for each job status.

  • A graph represents these percentage values for clear visual interpretation.

Revenue Per Month

  • Displays the representation of monthly revenue over the course of a year, including all invoices that are marked as SENT and PAID, based on the invoice date.

  • When hovering over a specific month in the graph, it shows the monthly revenue for that period.

Sales Forecast

  • Displays the total projected revenue for the current year.

  • This chart is based on all current and future invoices that are active, including recurring jobs with attached invoices, recurring invoices, and subscriptions.

  • When hovering over a specific month in the graph, it shows the projected monthly revenue for that period.


  • The dashboard lists all invoice statuses and displays the percentage of invoices based on three criteria: income, number of invoices, and the invoice amount for each status.

  • It also shows a graphical representation of the invoice percentages, categorized by the invoice value.

Invoice Aging

  • The dashboard displays the total amount of unpaid invoices.

  • Lists the aging days and provides detailed information including the percentage of total income, the number of invoices per aging day, and the income associated with each specific aging day.

  • Graph that represents the percentage of invoices based on their aging days, providing a visual overview of outstanding payments.


  • Lists the different estimate statuses along with their percentage value based on the total amount. Displays the total estimate count and the total estimate value.

  • Displays the graph representation of the estimates' percentages based on their amounts.

New Customers and Leads by Source

  • Shows the graph representation of the number of new customers and leads per source on a monthly basis.

Revenue by Staff

  • "Revenue by Staff" is calculated based on the revenue from jobs assigned to a technician, accounting for both SENT and PAID invoices related to those jobs.

  • Lists all the technician along with the percentage of total income attributed to each technician, and the total revenue amount for each

Active Services

  • Displays the total number of active services (Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Rescheduled, and Custom status) and recurring services for the selected date range.

  • Lists all service types along with the number of jobs associated with each service, the percentage of total income attributed to each service type, and the total invoice amount for each service type.

  • The total income for all active jobs is shown at the bottom.


  • Displays the total collected payments based on the selected date range.

  • Lists all payment methods along with the number of payments made under each method, and the percentage based on the total amount collected.


  • Filter data by customer tags or location tags.

  • Lists all tags along with the percentage of the tag used, and the number of times the tag is used.

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