The Roadmap Page Builder makes all existing sections on your site available to use anywhere.
Create new pages using 'everywhere sections'
Open your customiser and create a new template: Pages > Create Template
It's a good idea to base your new template on an existing page that has some of the sections you want to use.Edit or remove any of the existing sections, then add new ones by clicking 'Add Section'. All of the sections available on your site will be available for you to select.
Drag and drop the sections in left-hand menu to re-order the sections on the page.
Save your template and close the customiser.
Go to your Sales Channels and open Online Store > Pages.
Create a new page by selecting 'Add Page', give it a name and edit the SEO information.
Select the template you have just created, then save.
Copy your new page's URL.
Open Navigation and select the menu you'd like to add your new page to.
Add menu item, give the page a name and paste the URL.
Page Builder - Blog Posts
Open your customiser and go to the page builder template.
Add the sections you want to use in your post and fill in the content. You will notice that the code generator at the top updates every time you make a change.
Drag and drop the sections in left-hand menu to re-order the sections on the page.
Once your blog post is complete, copy the code in the generator at the top.
Open your blog and create a new article.
Open the HTML settings and paste the code from the generator, you'll see that all the content you created in the customiser is now within the blog.
Save the blog. You do not need to save the page builder template. (We don't recommend saving too many templates as this can slow down your site.)
If you want to change out any of the text or images, you can do this within the blog editor.