You can create and manage alerts from the Alerts page. In addition, you can view alert details (e.g., data source, selected options, active or inactive status, etc.) at a glance, filter displayed alerts, and search for a previously created alert by title.
Note: You can also check the "Show all" option box to display all created alerts at once without having to click through multiple pages.
Alert Types
There are 25+ configurable alert types available. Please view the following list of alert types and corresponding descriptions and use cases in the table below.
Note: Alerts applicable only to Enterprise customers have been indicated below accordingly.
Alert Type | Description |
Accel (Enterprise only) | Alert when a vehicle violates the specified accel threshold (in g-force or Gs). The default threshold is set at .50 Gs. This alert requires the device to be installed with bracket/frame hardware and high-bond tape to avoid inaccurate readings (due to whip effect). |
Asset Inputs (Enterprise only) | Alert when an asset's input changes status. |
Braking (Decel) (Enterprise only) | Alert when a vehicle violates the specified decel threshold in (g-force or Gs). The default threshold is set at .50 Gs. This alert requires device to be installed with bracket/frame hardware and high-bond tape to avoid inaccurate readings (due to whip effect). |
Diagnostic | Alert when a specific threshold is passed (either greater or lower). Specify a Diagnostic Type: Temperature, Coolant Temperature, or Engine Speed. The system does not check for alert conditions when the ignition is turned off. Temperatures reported are those provided by the sensor at the time of the update. |
Diagnostic – Low Battery (EVs only) | Alert when a specific threshold is passed (either greater or lower) for Low Battery. This alert is available for EV Fleet Plan customers with EVs equipped with GO9 devices. |
Driver Login (Enterprise only) | Alert when a driver does not log in when starting a trip. |
Driver Assign (Enterprise only) | Alert when a driver has successfully been assigned to a vehicle via Driver ID key fob or another method. (Buzzer or light in-cab notification of successful login requires additional equipment and installation.) |
DTC | Alert on Diagnostic Trouble Codes for supported devices*. |
DVIR (Enterprise only) | Alert when a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report is received with defects. (Requires HOS enabled on your account.) |
DVIR Status (Enterprise only) | Alert when a vehicle is moving without a DVIR completed or marked unsafe. (Requires HOS enabled on your account.) |
Heartbeat | Alert when a heartbeat is received (usually once a day). |
Hours of Service (Enterprise only) | Alert before daily hours of service limit is reached. (Only available to accounts with Hours of Service.) |
HOS Driver Assign (Enterprise only) | Alert when vehicle moves without HOS driver assigned. Device ID and Driver Reference ID must match exactly. (Only available to accounts with Hours of Service.) |
Idle Time | Alert when a vehicle idles more than the specified limit. |
Ignition | Alert when a vehicle turns on or off. |
Inputs | Alert when an input changes status. (Inputs are configured at the time of installation.) |
Jamming | Alert when an active jamming (GPS or Radio) device is detected (Supported Calamp devices only: GPSI-5000, PNP, AT-3000). |
Landmark | Alert when a vehicle enters or exits a landmark. |
Location | Alert of vehicle's location (individual vehicles only, no groups/hierarchies) at preset timed interval (every 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hours). |
Odd-Hours | Alert on movement within an odd-hours violation window. |
Out-of-Range | Alert on vehicles that have not reported for a time. |
Posted Speed Alert | Alert on vehicles violating posted speed limits. Posted speeds are based on available speed limit information. This data does not include temporary speed reductions such as construction or school zones. Posted speed violations are calculated using the Inst speed value. |
Service Reminders | Alert when scheduled service is close or overdue. |
Speeding | Alert when a vehicle violates a specified speed limit. |
Stop/Idle | Alert on a stop or idle longer than a specific duration. |
Switch | Alert on device switches. Available switch types include Battery Voltage, External Power Lost, Panic Switch, Power Cycle, and Temperature. Low Battery Voltage occurs when a vehicle's battery is below 11.9 volts for 30 minutes or more. External Power Lost indicates when a device may have been unplugged/unwired (relies on backup battery). Power Cycle indicates when all power is lost and regained. If the device has a backup battery, the alert will trigger only if all power (including backup battery) had been lost prior to regaining power. Temperature threshold must be programmed by Support (for supported devices only). |
Towing (Enterprise only) | Alert when vehicle moves and ignition is off. This alert is currently supported on GPSI-5000, ELD-2000D, and AT-3000 devices (PNP support anticipated Q3 2020). |
*Diagnostic data is an additional paid feature for vehicles equipped with PNP devices. Available diagnostic data varies by vehicle make/model. Data may include engine speed, fuel level, fuel level remaining, fuel rate, odometer, seatbelt, and more.
**If you plan to notify drivers when alerts are triggered (e.g., whenever a speeding violation occurs), consider asking drivers to assign messages from 477-477 (GPSGPS) to a unique ring/SMS tone. When drivers hear this tone, they can know immediately that they’ve triggered a violation without having to look at their mobile devices.
Note: While alerts are highly accurate, they are optimized for real-time situations as subscribed. Due to occasional cellular network issues or processing delays, very rarely alerts will miss an event. Thus, alerts should not be considered a reliable substitute for regularly scheduled reports. For this reason, we suggest that customers also utilize scheduled reports whenever a potentially missed alert would cause difficulty for any reason.