My Profile….
You can find your profile button on the top right corner of your screen. Tap the person icon to access it.
Once inside you'll discover the options for:
DOWNLOADS - Here you can access the hypnosis sessions that you have downloaded from your App. YES this means no WIFI required for listening to these sessions!!
MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION - In this section you can start a premium paid subscription, check your current subscription start and renewal date.
EDIT ACCOUNT - You have the option to reset your password, update your profile name or email address on the account in this section.
PUSH NOTIFICATIONS - Turn the switch on to receive notifications of new material added to your App!
LOG OUT - Tap this option to log out of your account, also a great way to refresh your App.
DELETE ACCOUNT - You can also delete your account here. However to cancel your billing subscription please follow these instructions:
With Love,
Team Grace Space