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Custom Event Registration Questions
Custom Event Registration Questions
Updated over 2 months ago

Customize your event registration form by asking attendees a series of questions before confirming their registration. Registration forms can be built for all types of events in Gradual, can be assigned to each ticket type, and can include as many questions as you need to get the right information from your registrants.

Building your Event Registration Form

You will add any questions to the event registration process in the event dashboard.

  1. Select the event you'd like to add questions to, navigate to Event SetUp and to 'Registration Form' in the main menu on the left.

2. The system will automatically build a registration form that you can edit, customize, and assign to any ticket type.

3. You can customize each form by adding an optional Title & Subtitle to the form that will appear at the top of the form and questions. Add questions by selecting the + symbol beside the type of questions you'd like to ask.

Links added to the Title or the subtitle text will automatically be a clickable URL and will open in a new tab for the user. The full URL must be included (including HTTPs) for the URL to be clickable by the system.

Question Types

Single Select

Ask questions where the registrant can select only one option from a list

Multi Select

Ask questions where the registrant can select one or multiple options from a list

  • You can also provide an 'Other' option that will prompt an open text field for users to enter their response

Single Line Text

Ask questions that the registrant would answer with a short line of text (maximum limit of 200 characters)

  • You can also provide an 'Other' option that will prompt an open text field for users to enter their response


Ask questions that the registrant would answer with a longer paragraph of text (maximum limit of 1000 characters)


Ask questions on location, like city, state/province and country

  • The platform uses Google Maps to authenticate entries to be accurate and consistent


Ask questions that the registrant would answer with a URL or link

Note: Currently, questions cannot be dependent on an attendee's response to another question or logic.

4. Customize your questions by adding the question text as you'd like it to appear to registrants and adding a subtitle if you'd like to provide more information or details on the question.

Links added to the Title or the subtitle text will automatically be a clickable URL and will open in a new tab for the user. The full URL must be included (including HTTPs) for the URL to be clickable by the system.

Add options for single or multi-select questions by selecting the 'Add Option' green text at the base of the options. You can also provide an 'Other' option that will prompt an open text field for users to enter their responses.

This is an example of a question with a subtitle

5. Edit the order of options by dragging the hamburger icon to the right of the option, and delete any unnecessary options by selecting the black delete icon to the right of the option.

Single Select and Multi Select options can show in a variety of styles:

Checkbox [Multi Select only]

Populates check boxes beside the options for the user to select multiple options from the list

Radio buttons [Single Select only]

Populates radio buttons beside the options for the user to select a single selection from the list

Auto-fit box

Populates the list of options in boxes that fit the size of the text for the user to select a single or multiple options

Auto-fill box

Populates the list of options in boxes that are uniform in size for the user to select a single or multiple options


Populates a dropdown list of options for the user to select a single or multiple options

6. You can mark questions required by selecting the small box beside the word 'Required' and you can reorder the list of questions in real-time by dragging and dropping the hamburger icon at the top of the question box.

7. When you are finished creating or editing the question, select the 'Save' button at the base of the question box.

8. Questions remain hidden until the form is enabled.

When the form is ready to publish, enable it at the top of the page.

Adding more registration forms

If you'd like to add another registration form to assign to another ticket type, select the '+ New Registration Form' button in the upper right-hand side of the page and build another form.

Linking Registration Forms to Ticket Types

You can build unique registration forms by ticket type. Once the registration form is built, following the steps above, you can link the registration form to the correct ticket type.

  1. Navigate to the Ticket SetUp menu item, and to Ticket Types.

  2. Hover over the action icon of the ticket type you'd like to link, and select Edit.

  3. From the edit pop up page, select the drop-down from the Pre-Event Registration Form field, and choose the registration form you'd like associated with that ticket type.

  4. If you do not see the registration form from the drop down, navigate back to the Registration Form menu and enable, or build and enable the form.

Learn more about ticket types here.

Visibility of the form on the front end

The visibility of the registration form is set to be 'off' by default in your event dashboard. The questions will remain hidden on the front end until the toggle is switched 'on' in the upper right toggle labeled 'Enable'.

The toggle can only be switched on when at least one question has been added and saved.

Here is an example of a registration form in the event dashboard:

Here is an example of that registration form on the front end:

The form will prompt after the user selects 'Register' and enters their email address to sign in.

Required questions are indicated by a star beside the question text

Here is an example of that registration form on the front end using the 'Other' option functionality

Attendees' Registration Form Information

Attendee Profile

At any time you can see an attendee's registration information and answers to all questions from their attendee profile, within the event dashboard.

Attendee Export

Registration form answers will also populate on the Attendee export from the event dashboard. Learn more about exporting event registrants and attendees here.

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