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How to create a Scheduled Report

These production reports are automatically sent to your email on the recurring day and time you specify...

Marlee Rose avatar
Written by Marlee Rose
Updated over a week ago

Creating Scheduled Reports is a snap. πŸ”

  1. Click on Reports Icon on the black Navigation Bar on left side of screen

  2. Select 'Scheduled Reports' on green Navigation Bar at top of screen

  3. Click '+ Create Scheduled'

  4. Name Your Report

  5. Select the type of report you'd like to schedule

  6. Select which Facilities (or 'Facility Groups'!) you'd like to include in the report

  7. Select the frequency of when you want the report to send

  8. Select the time frame of data from which you would like your report to include

  9. Select Start Date (ie the date you'd like your reports to begin sending! Please note: after saving your report, it can take up to 24 hours for the system to recognize your instructions and begin sending you your Scheduled Reports!)

  10. Finally, select the email address(es) to where you'd like the report sent

GreaseBook now allows you to personalize the email message of your scheduled reports ensuring your reports send with purpose and fit your company! πŸ“”

A few notes:Β 

Delay: we've found the 'delay' can serve as a wonderful buffer between your operations and investors or 3rd parties...Β 

Basically, by setting a delay you create a little bit of breathing room for you and your operations team to review production numbers before they're fired out to everyone else.

Scheduled Time: under Start Date, you can also schedule the time you'd like these reports sent.

Otherwise, all reports default to 5AM.

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