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GreaseBook 101: Custom Variables (Settings Component)
GreaseBook 101: Custom Variables (Settings Component)

Article 4 of 8 in our "GreaseBook: 101" welcome series for Executives, Management, and Office Staff...

Greg Archbald avatar
Written by Greg Archbald
Updated over a week ago

The Settings component on the Left Hand Navigation Bar is where you're given full control of all Assets and Users in your operations.

It's through this section that you'll not only add/delete/modify Facilities, Wells, Tanks and the like but also assign permissions to Pumpers, Staff, and other Stakeholders within your organization.

To begin familiarizing yourself with Settings, let's start along the Top Navigation Bar:

It's through each of these tabs (Company, Users, Facilities, Facility Groups, Alerts and Transport Companies) that you can very easily begin making modifications to your GreaseBook set-up.


Through the Company tab, you're able to control Company wide Custom Variables, Downtime Reasons (paid feature), and Enabled Plugins (3rd Party Integrations).

Custom Variables at the Company tab level are simply blanket variables that once added will show across ALL units in GreaseBook.

Side Note: if you'd like to add Custom Variable at a specific Facility or Well, you can do this, too! Simply open the Facility by following Settings > Facilities > choose your Facility> click the variables tab!

For example, what if you'd like your Pumpers to track the temperature levels on Well Tests across all your Facilities?

Simply click green '+' button next to Custom Variables.

Next, Name your custom variable: 'Temp' > select 'Well Tests' under Item Type > Aggregate Type select 'None' ('Sum' would summate all measurements collected) > Display Options select 'Number' (we also offer you a 'Text' type variable which would come if handy for other applications in the field...)

Finally, click 'Save'. Now, a temperature custom variable will show up on all Well Tests across your operations:

Downtime Reasons: Downtime Reasons are part of our Well Performance Package which includes Well Testing, Allocations, and Downtime 'Bolt-On' Suite. If your operations require this, please let us know!

Up Next: how to spin up new Users (pumpers, executives, and guests) in your organization and assign the necessary Permissions to each User๐Ÿ‘‡

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