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GreaseBook 101: User Permissions (Settings Component)
GreaseBook 101: User Permissions (Settings Component)

Article 5 of 8 in our "GreaseBook: 101" welcome series for Executives, Management, and Office Staff...

Greg Archbald avatar
Written by Greg Archbald
Updated over a week ago

Through the User Tab, you're able to control all permissions, assignments and even add new users for any role in your company.

Currently, we support three User Types:

  • Pumper

  • Executive

  • Guest

Pumpers are Users who are assigned specific Facilities through which they collect data in the field.

Executives can perform all available actions in the GreaseBook.

Guests can exist either within or outside the organization. That said, Guests can be given access to either view all Facilities in the company or only specific Facilities in which they're involved. Finally, a Guest can be assigned specific permissions, including ability to generate Reports (or not), ability to view Comments (or not), as well as Read-Only permission.

Setting up a new User is as simple as clicking 'Add User' in the upper right hand corner:

Once New User window opens, simply add the 4 required fields (Name, Username, Password, and Email) > select Role (Pumper, Executive, or Guest) > then simply assign the User the Facilities which he requires access before clicking 'Create'.

When assigning Facilities for the Pumper, we have a couple of different options to help you move faster 🐎.

You can select 'Facility Groups' if you already have routes setup, you can 'Check All' to assign all Facilities, or you can click the stacked squares to copy the wells from another user!

Pumper and Executive user-type are fairly straight forward. That said, below we've posted a examples of Guest user-type...

For example, perhaps you have someone in management who would like to review all wells each day. However, they shouldn't have ability to modify or edit production info...

That said, simply assign this specific user 'Role' of Guest with the following permissions:

  • All Wells

  • All Reports (full access to all Report types...)

  • Facility Comments (full visibility of all Comments...)

  • Read Only (can look but can't touch...)

Next, we have a Working Interest owner who is only invested in a handful of your wells...

That said, to protect your privacy in the wells which they're not invested, you'd assign the WI owner the Role of Guest and only assign the wells in which they're involved.

So, you'd also set the following permissions:

  • Read Only

Why assign Read Only access with no access to Reports or Comments?

Because too much transparency (for example, the ability to read every comment) can create a lot of questions, phone calls, and extra work for the Operator.
And, while you're offering an exceptional amount of transparency into the investment for the WI owner, as Operator you've ultimately been entrusted with the management of the well (and the WI owner should respect this!)

Also, you can go back in and 'Edit' the status, permissions, or Well assignments of any Guest or Pumper at anytime by simply selecting the blue 'Edit' button at the far right of the user's name:

Finally, what if a Pumper goes rogue and you need to shut them out from the app?

Simply disable their user profile by unselecting the check box beneath 'Enabled':

Now, next time that particular Pumper tries to log in, he'll find he's barred from the app.πŸ”

Next Up: how to create new Facilities as well as modify the equipment and set up of existing Facilities... πŸ‘‡

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