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GreaseBook 101: Facility Set Up (Settings Component)
GreaseBook 101: Facility Set Up (Settings Component)

Article 6 of 8 in our "GreaseBook: 101" welcome series for Executives, Management, and Office Staff...

Greg Archbald avatar
Written by Greg Archbald
Updated over a week ago

Through the Facilities Tab, you're able to set up new Facilities as well as modify any existing equipment at an existing Facility (ie Tanks, Wells, Injection Wells, SW Disposals, Custom Variables at the Facility level, etc...)

From the black Navigation Bar located on the left, click Settings.

From the Settings view, click Facilities located on the top green Navigation Bar.

From the Facilities window you can now click 'Add Facility' in the right hand corner.

Then fill out basic info you need and starting with the name of your Facility:

Side Note: if you'd like, you can add State, County, Timezone, and the like. However, this isn't necessary for the set up of a new Facility. Also, to keep things simple for now we'll get in to some of the other features of the Facility set-up in a different article.πŸ˜‰

Next, after naming your Facility and clicking 'Create', you'll now have a foundation from which you can start building out your equipment and components!

To edit your Facility and enter components such as Tanks and Wells, click the name of the Facility you wish to edit and open!

Scroll down to each component section you wish to add, click the green '+' button, enter data, click 'Create' and continue until your Facility contains all the units required!

For example, to add an Oil Tank: simply scroll down to the section that reads 'Oil Tank. Next, select the green button '+':

Now, name your Tank > select whether it's Dual product (i.e. check the box if it's a Wash Tank, Gun Barrel, or if you carry a large water bottom...) > then simply select the green '+' beside 'Strappings' to select either a standard tank size OR (if you have a tank table) add several straps:

Have your tank how you want it? If so, simply select 'Create' and you're done!!

Continue this simple process for Water Tanks, Bullet Tanks (Ngl), LACTs & Wells!

If you need to edit any of the Facility details, you can access this by clicking the green 'pencil edit' button next to the Facility name at the top of the page.

The next time any assigned Pumper or User opens this particular Facility, they'll now see the Tank you've created.πŸ’ͺ🏼

Once you have your Facility set-up, don't forget to add your pumpers in the 'Assigned Users' section at the top of the page.

If you ever need to make changes to your Facility components simply click the blue 'Edit' button next to each component in your Facility.

Now that you have your Facilities set-up just as you need them, let's create Facility Groups to consolidate your Greasebook for easier access and reporting.

Up Next, how to Create Facility Groups in your operations...πŸ‘‡

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