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GreaseBook 201: Alert Engine Overview
GreaseBook 201: Alert Engine Overview

(Article 4 of 4): How to create your most profitable, streamlined operation by leveraging real-time Alerts

Greg Archbald avatar
Written by Greg Archbald
Updated over a week ago

With production assets and field crews spread across different fields, Counties, and even States, it's an enormous challenge to not only understand exactly what's going on in the field but to also receive this information in a timely manner.

And it's from these challenges the GreaseBook Alert Engine was born!! πŸ™Œ

The Concept

Would it be helpful to know the minute a well is found down without (your pumper forgetting to tell you about it and) that crucial piece of information slipping through the cracks? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Or, would it be helpful to know when oil, gas, or water production at a specific well falls off its average production by more than a set percentage? πŸ€”

How 'bout when a specific injection well's pressure creeps up above a certain threshold (helping you to prevent an expensive blow out...)? 🚨

Or, when a tank is full and ready to be hauled (reminding you or your pumper to call the purchaser to keep that cashflow coming in...)? πŸ“¬

Or, when a negative production is identified at one of your tank batteries (helping you to identify any cases of 'skimmed oil' in the field...)? πŸ’Έ
We could go on and on!! πŸ˜… (AND, that's precisely why this is so necessary in our operations!!)

Anyways, if you answered 'Yes!' to any of the questions above, then read up – the Greasebook is about to change your life forever!!πŸ›’πŸ“ˆ

Alert Notifications

GreaseBook's Alert Engine is designed to not only monitor assets for production declines and critical issues but will also uncover human oversights in the field, too.

Our (simple) Alert notifications are flexible and can be delivered in one of 3 ways:

  1. email alerts (sent real-time)

  2. summary email alerts (grouping alerts set to arrive once or multiple times per day)

  3. SMS alerts

Alerts can be set to send to individual pumpers, supervisors, and in-house team members as well as be set to fan-out across groups of stakeholders, too.

Furthermore, all Alerts will not only be complemented by your historical production data, comments, and well history files through the Executive Website...

... but by clicking on any Alert, you'll also be taken directly to the Battery / Well / Tank where the occurrence happened where you'll find the issue highlighted for you! 🀯

Set Up

To set up a new Alert, simply go to Settings (left side navigation bar) > Alerts (top navigation bar) > then, click 'Add Alert'.

Once you've select 'Add Alert', you'll be presented with the following pop up:

From here, simply:

  1. name your Alert

  2. select Severity (Normal, Moderate, or High)

  3. select to which Batteries you'd like to assign the Alert

  4. Under Rules, select your Target (more on this below in the section entitled 'Select Target' below! 🎯)

  5. select who you'd like to Notify when the parameters you've set for the Alert are met, and finally

  6. select the manner which you'd like the user to receive the Alert: Email, SMS, or Summary Email

Select Target

Under 'Rules' > 'Select Target' is where you find all the Alert magic happens 😘

First, select the target against which you'd like to create an Alert:

  • Production

  • New Comment

  • Battery Equipment

  • Tanks

  • Wells

  • Water Meters

  • Tickets

For example, if we select Tanks we'll be presented with Tank Type (oil or water) which we'd like to create an Alert against.

For our example, we'll select Oil:

Finally, after selecting Tanks > Tank Type: Oil, we'll be presented with all Alerts available for our choice – in this case: High Level Tank Gauge and Nearing Battery Storage Capacity (side note: please find a description of each Rule under the section entitled 'Rules' below...)πŸ‘‡


We'll be adding new Rules to the platform as we see fit, and our existing 'Rules' to choose from are as follows:

Well Online / Offline: any time a Well is marked as down, shut-in, or marked as back online, with this alert you'll know about it. 🚩

New Comment: paying extra close attention to a particular well or simply want to be notified any time a new comment is made by a pumper? This Bud's– er, Rule's for you. 🍺

New Test: each time a new barrel or bucket test is carried out, you're gonna know about it. 🧾

New Ticket: want a cha-ching! every time a load of oil is sold? Then this Rule's got your name all over it πŸ’°

Difference Tolerance: wanna watch your BS&W levels, observed gravity and temperature levels like a hawk but don't have enough time to review each load of oil sold? πŸ¦…

This Rule will alert you any load sold that has a difference between Oil Bbls Sold and Net Bbls that exceeds a set threshold (highlighting even the sneakiest of Purchasers in your operations... πŸ’Έ )

Measurement Change: want to know when your field crew puts a new choke on that old well? If you want to be notified anytime a certain setting is changed on any piece of equipment, then this Rule is your ticket 🎫

Comparison Operators: have a set operating ceiling your equipment should never surpass? Would you like to be made aware anytime the pressure on an injection well surpasses a recommended threshold?

By using simple Arithmetic operators (>, <, etc), we can make sure we're always operating safely within set parameters.

Also, by stacking Comparison Operators using the '+OR' option – for example, by setting a ceiling of 1000 psi) AND a floor of 600 psi (ie Alert me when pressure is >1000psi or <600psi) – your Alerts can be set to do double duty:

Variance: perhaps one of the most versatile Alerts, Variance enables us to pick out anomalies in our production (ex: decreasing production) while at the same time eliminating a lot of 'noise' (ie false alarms) that conventional production alarms (like simple averaging) may create.

For example, when setting the following Rule (Production > Oil Production > Variance):

... we're presented with 4 additional variables:

  • Last 'X' days, compared to

  • Last 'Y' days

  • Operator

  • Value %

To show you just how simple this is, let's set one up...

Basically, we'd like to compare:

  • if the average of last 3 days of oil production (ie a 'running average'), compared to

  • the average of the last 15 days of oil production

  • Changes by

  • 10% or more – ALERT US!!

By setting an Alert based upon a set Variance between two Running Averages, we're able to eliminate false alarms in our operations (for example, a stripper well with marginal production fluctuating between 2 and 4 bbls/day) while at the same time keeping close tabs on our Production. πŸ‘€

What if you've recently reworked a well or brought a gang buster online? Shorten your X and Y windows (ex: last 2 days compared to last 5 days) and setting a tighter % variance (ex 5%) will do the trick 😎

Getting Started

Alerts are one of Greasebook's most powerful efficiency-driving features to date.

And, when multiplying the hundreds of E&Ps, thousands of pumpers, and tens of thousands of wells on the Greasebook platform – the overhead (compute power, text message rates, etc) required to run such a service becomes quite expensive.

So, to balance the creation of new features that drive efficiency in your operations with the building of a strong business to support you down the road, each client is allotted 3 FREE Alerts to their account to be delivered once per day via Summary Email.

That said, would you like to upgrade to receive Unlimited Alerts in the GreaseBook?

For pennies per well per day, producers can not only generate an enormous amount of efficiency and transparency in their business but also eliminate 99% of human oversight in the field and the office by adopting an Alert-driven operation.

In addition to Unlimited Alerts, producers who upgrade their Alert Engine will also receive access to:

  • Real-time email alerts πŸ“©

  • Summary email alerts (grouped alerts set to arrive by email once, twice or three times daily...) πŸ“¬

  • Real-time SMS alerts πŸ“²

Yes, at the snap of your fingers you can now supercharge your operations and start running your most streamlined, profitable, capital-efficient oil & gas production company today.

Who knew operating oil & gas wells could be so much fun?! πŸ˜„

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