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How to Transfer Oil between two Tanks
How to Transfer Oil between two Tanks

Article 5 of 8 in our "GreaseBook Pumper App: 101" Welcome Series

Marlee Rose avatar
Written by Marlee Rose
Updated over a week ago

From time to time, it's necessary to transfer crude between tanks (or even tank batteries...) πŸ›’οΈ

That said, below are the quick and easy steps to log a transfer between two tanks enabling us to keep perfect track of that crude no matter where we send it! βœ…

To do so, simply:

  1. Select the Facility and Tank from which you'd like to transfer Oil (ie your 'Source Tank')

  2. Click the big '+' button in the upper right hand corner and select Transfer.

  3. Select Date and Tank to which you'd like to transfer the Oil (ie your 'Destination Tank')

  4. Finally, select the amount you want to Transfer and tap 'Save'

Pro Tip: depending on the Destination Tank product (Oil or Water) the gauge you need to adjust will show up as 'X' with the other product option greyed out. Meaning....if you want to transfer oil, you only need to adjust the closing oil gauge. If you only want to transfer water, you only need to adjust the closing water gauge. We'll take care of the rest!

Not only will your Transfer will show up in the Destination Tank at your Destination Facility, you'll have a full history of where it came from, too.

Let's keep this momentum rollin' 'cause 'Pumper Paradise' is the only place this train stops!! wwhoooooooo-wwwwhooooooooooooo!! πŸš‚

Next up: how to enter (daily) measurements at the Well Level by clicking the button below... πŸ‘‡

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