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How to Run Kansas Annual Report (Form U3C)
How to Run Kansas Annual Report (Form U3C)

How to run and create Kansas Annual Report (Form U3C)

Marlee Rose avatar
Written by Marlee Rose
Updated over a week ago

For GreaseBook to process your State reports, your Batteries must first be assigned to a state in GreaseBook.

To do so, simply go to Settings (left nav bar) > Batteries (top nav bar) > select any Battery and simply click the small pencil beside the name:

On the 'Manage Battery' modal that presents itself, simply select the Lease's state location underneath the State dropdown then click 'Save':

Now, simply rinse and repeat for all Leases! ⛰️ ⛷️
Once you have all your Leases marked as such, it's time to add a new filing Operator in GreaseBook.

To do so, go to Reports (left tab) > State & Government Reports (top tab) > and click 'Open & Run' on the report that reads 'Kansas Annual Report (Form U3C)'.

You'll be prompted with a message that says "To use the Kansas Form filer tool in your operations, please set up a new filing Operator to begin!"

Simply click the green button that reads "Create a new filing Operator" and add your credentials:

  • Official Operator Name

  • Operator Number

  • Check box next to all Leases associated with this Operator

Side Note: Many Operating Companies have several operating names and numbers with which they use to file. And, the GreaseBook will permit you to add as many Operators as you'd like by simply 'Creating New Operator Group'. If this applies to you, please note that each Lease can only be assigned to one Operator.

To add another Operator Group, simply click the pencil icon next to the Filing Operating Group - before selecting a Group. A new window will appear and allow you to enter your new Operator Group.

If you select an Operator Group, then click the pencil icon, it will allow you to edit your Operator Group! That said, if you select to add a Lease that's already been assigned to another Operator group it will be assigned to your new group and removed from the other πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

Now that our Operator Name and Number have been created in the GreaseBook, it's time to move forward with adding all Lease information required by the reporting system.

And, while this can take a bit of time, imagine the hours we'll gain each month once we're all set up! 😌

To enter any remaining lease info, select the Filing Operator Group you want to work out of then fill in all of the pertinent data!

To edit information at the Battery level, simply go to Settings (left nav bar) > Batteries (top nav bar) > select any Battery and simply click the small pencil beside the name to manage the battery details - any data will auto-populate for you!

From the Manage Battery window you can edit the Battery info:

  • Oil Lease Number / Gas ID

  • Field Name (exactly as it is reported to state!)

Finally, any Commingle Permits that are associated with this Lease should be added here, too.

To add Commingle Permits, in Commingled Leases section simply click the 'Add' button.

From here, you'll be able to add:

  • Lease Name (exactly as it is reported to the state)

  • Oil Lease Number / Gas ID

  • Percentage of lease total to apply to specific Commingle Permit Number

Finally, while the GreaseBook State filer tool will autofill many of the elements of each Lease for you during set up from your Manage Battery window (example: whether Lease Type is Oil, Gas, or Pending) you will have to complete the remaining data fields.

Reports > State & Government > select Filing Operator Group

Auto-populated fields will show in white while fields in red will need to be entered!

To navigate between data entry simply tab between each item type as shown:

For Injection Data, be sure to review and revise any data necessary by clicking the expanding button to review monthly injection data for the year per lease as shown below. (You can also download the individual Lease Injection Reports by clicking 'Download' at the far right of each Lease Name!)

NOTE: If you need to record 'Total Gas Injected MCF' a custom variable needs to be created so GreaseBook has a value to pull from or a place for you to manually enter. Give us a shout at if you need assistance with this one!

Once each element is filled out for the Battery, simply hit 'Save' in the upper right hand corner of the tool.

Once you're ready to download, click Download! 🧾 πŸ–¨οΈ

Please note, all required fields must be completed before downloading can occur - we don't want you to miss anything!

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