In this article, we will see how to get your IRO (Impacts, Risks, Opportunities) list.
⚠️ Reminder
The Greenly tool for Double Materiality(DMA) contains more than 400 questions, structured according to the ESRS themes. After filling out all the forms, our system calculates the materiality scores at the sub-theme level:
Impact materiality score (measuring the importance of impacts).
Financial materiality score (measuring risks and opportunities).
A sub-theme is material if at least one of its internal questions is significant, for one type of materiality or for both.
Determination of IROs
➔ If the impact score exceeds the threshold, this generates at least one impact (related to all negative or positive issues in the sub-theme that exceed the impact materiality threshold)
➔ If the financial score exceeds the threshold, this generates at least one risk or opportunity (related to all stakeholder reactions or dependencies issues in the sub-theme that exceed the financial materiality threshold).
➔ If both scores exceed the thresholds, this generates at least one impact and one risk or opportunity (a combination of the above scenarios).
Example of scenario and IRO (Impact, Risk, Opportunity)
Sure! Here’s the translated version in English with the same clear structure:
🔋 Energy Reduction
Question: Is your company, including its value chain, committed to reducing total energy consumption?
✅ DMA Results:
Exceeds the impact materiality threshold (“Own activities” and “Suppliers”)
Exceeds the financial materiality threshold (“Financial actors” and “Suppliers”)
📌 Associated IROs:
✅ IRO 1 (Positive Impact): Reduction of energy consumption in own activities
✅ IRO 2 (Positive Impact): Reduction of energy consumption in the upstream value chain
✅ IRO 3 (Opportunity): Improving investment opportunities through energy reduction initiatives
✅ IRO 4 (Opportunity): Cost reduction through energy reduction initiatives
🌍 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Question: Does your company or value chain produce greenhouse gas emissions?
⚠️ DMA Results:
Exceeds only the impact materiality threshold (“Own activities”)
📌 Associated IRO:
❌ IRO 5 (Negative Impact): Greenhouse gas emissions in own activities
💻 Dependence on High-Tech Products
Question: Does your business or value chain depend on high-tech products?
⚠️ DMA Results:
Exceeds the financial materiality threshold (“Increase in the cost of access to resources” and “Tightening of policies or constraints related to resources”)
📌 Associated IROs:
‼️ IRO 6 (Risk): Increased spending due to reliance on high-tech products
‼️ IRO 7 (Risk): Regulatory sanctions related to the management of dependence on high-tech products
How to get your IROs list?
Step 1: Freeze the results of Double Materiality
answer all DMA forms
reread your results from the Analytics tab then validate them by freezing them
Step 2: contact your Greenly contact
you must contact your Greenly contact so that the latter generates the list of your IROs and sends it back to you
Step 3: Integrate your IROs into your sustainability report
after receiving your list of IROs, you can use it to complete certain points of the Data Collection
go to this tab, then type the words "impacts", "opportunities" and "risks" in the search bar to see the specific datapoints appear
enter your IROs following the structure provided