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What are Category 6 emissions in the French regulatory GHG assessment?

Category 6 - Other indirect

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over a week ago

The French regulatory GHG assessment methodology and guidelines is called "Bilan d'Émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (BEGES)". The current version is the fifth one (BEGES v5). It is the French equivalent of the GHG Protocol.

Category 6 corresponds to indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that still haven't been taken into account.

Emissions allocated to this category are included in the broader and more common Scope 3 classification. Scope 3 emissions correspond to non-energy related indirect emissions that are induced by upstream and downstream operations and activities outside the organisational boundary of the legal entity.

This category includes a single sub-category.

Sub-category 6.1 - Other indirect emissions

Emissions related to this sub-category are indirect emissions resulting from activities and operations outside the organisational boundary of the legal entity and which cannot be accounted for in one of the other sub-categories.

For example, downstream franchises related emissions are accounted for in this sub-category.

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