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RobecoSAM: what do they do and offer?

Sustainability and ESG ratings

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over a week ago

RobecoSAM provides Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data services and sustainable investment solutions. As well as developing a Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) methodology, it also provides several sustainability indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), which assesses the sustainability of the world's largest listed companies. RobecoSAM is owned by Robeco, a Dutch asset management company based in Switzerland. As a leading provider of sustainable investment solutions, it is renowned for its rigorous assessments and data services.

Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)

The CSA evaluates companies based on several sustainability criteria, including economic, environmental, and social factors. A questionnaire covering topics such as corporate governance, climate change, resource efficiency, labour practices, and human rights is included in the assessment. The results of the assessment are used to rank a company's sustainability performance on a scale of 0 to 100 and to create a scorecard.

The RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment includes general sections such as Environmental Reporting and Climate Strategy and industry-specific sections such as Environmental Policy & Management, Biodiversity, Electricity Generation, Transmission & Distribution, and Water-related Risks.

The relative weighting of the questionnaire's ESG components varies from one sector to another. For example, the environmental component is more heavily weighted in the electric utility industry than in the banking or pharmaceutical one. On average, Greenly can help a company earn between 3 and 10 points (among the environmental component) out of 100, which can turn a good score into an excellent one.

Research and analysis services

In addition to ESG ratings, RobecoSAM offers research and analysis services to institutional investors. ESG services allow investors to make informed investment decisions based on a company's sustainability performance. These services are based on a combination of data provided by the company, publicly available data, and RobecoSAM's own research and analysis.

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