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🤔 How can I get support to build my reduction strategy?

Discover Greenly's proposal to get your climate strategy started

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over a week ago

Setting climate objectives and deciding on reduction actions can be tedious, whether in big corporations or small companies. Let's face it: it's a new topic for most, although regulatory and client pressure to commit to reduction targets are raising fast.

At Greenly, we thrive to make climate commitment accessible to everyone. That's why we designed a new, science-based and efficient climate strategy support program.

This package can be useful to answer the requirements of different labels.

Important note: The rollout of the missions requires you already computed your baseline emissions beforehand. Get in touch with our support in case you need to start there.

Any question ?

Don't hesitate to reach out if you're wondering how it can help you reach your objectives!

What is the climate strategy support program?


  • Set targets aligned with your sector's objectives

  • Build the most efficient yet robust climate strategy to answer the targets

  • Give you the tools to make informed decisions about the action plan timelines and objectives

  • Help you communicate on your climate strategy


  • Formal presentation of decarbonation objectives for the sector and the panel of reduction actions currently available

  • Organized workshops with relevant teams to prioritize action plans regarding business constraints

  • Dynamic trajectory visualization tool with quantified reduction actions to make final adjustments

  • Formal report on final objectives and reduction strategy, including quantified short term strategy and long term goals.


What is the typical mission rollout?

1 - Kick Off meeting

The kick-off meeting marks the start of the mission. During this kick off meeting, we will review briefly your main sources of emissions and give you a complete overview of reduction options for your specific company, and more generally, your sector.

From there, we will discuss what your priorities are in terms of reducing your emissions and come up with a short list of emission sources.

We will also cover your emission reduction targets, in case you have specific wishes about it. Our recommended default target is a quantified 4% yearly reduction for the 3 following years, and a long term strategic alignment with a 50% emission reduction in 2050, as dictated by the Paris Agreements.

Once we have both your desired reduction levels and reduction priorities, we can start prioritizing your reduction actions.

2 - Prioritization workshops with relevant teams

The aim of these workshops are to understand the most relevant reduction actions on each targeted emissions sources with the team. It is a structured meeting, where Greenly brings to the table a first estimate of the impact of reduction actions, and the teams brainstorms about the feasibility of each of them. Action are then ranked according to their efficiency and a rough timeline is deduced.

3 - Restitution meeting with decision makers to fine-tune the resulting strategy

Finally, we build a trajectory projection tool with the chosen reduction actions. This comprehensive tool is designed for decision makers to fine-tune the reduction actions their teams chose, especially in terms of timeline and ambition.

How much time will it take?

The baseline is two months, if you stick to our default targets. If you wish to build an action plan for a more long term target, you can expect the mission to last for up to three months depending on your team's availability for the workshop.

In our experience, this is significantly faster than the time usually required internally!

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