What is GRI ?
Why ?
GRI exists to help organizations be transparent and take responsibility for their impacts so that we can create a sustainable future.
GRI creates the global common language for organizations to report their impacts - which enables informed dialogue and decision making around those impacts.
They are the global standard setter for impact reporting
They follow an independent, multi-stakeholder process
They maintain the world’s most comprehensive sustainability reporting standards
Their Standards are available as a free public good
--> Companies can report either in accordance or in a reference to GRI Standards. GRI recommends reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards
Reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards
Under this approach, the company reports on all its material sustainability topics and related impacts and how it manages these sustainability topics. This reporting approach provides a comprehensive picture of the company's most significant impacts on the environment and people and how it contributes to sustainable development.
To report in accordance with the GRI Standards, the company must comply with all nine requirements included in the section 3 of GRI 1: Foundation 2021:
Apply the reporting principles
Report the disclosures in GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
Determine material topics
Report the disclosures in GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
Report disclosures from the GRI Topic Standards for each material topic
Provide reasons for omission for disclosures and requirements that the company cannot comply with
Publish a GRI content index
Provide a statement of use
Notify GRI
There is no cost associated with notifying GRI of the use of the GRI Standards.
Reporting with reference to the GRI Standards
If the company cannot meet the requirements to report in accordance with the GRI Standards or only wants to report specific information it can use selected GRI Standards or parts of their content and report with reference to the GRI Standards. In this case, the company must comply with the following requirements which are specified at the end of section 3 in GRI 1: Foundation 2021.
Publish a GRI content index
Provide a statement of use
Notify GRI
It is expected that the company transitions to reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards in time.
What are the requirements for GHG emissions reporting ?
Companies must disclose:
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
GHG emissions intensity
Reduction of GHG emissions
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions