Reduction actions refer to the strategies and measures implemented to decrease the carbon footprint of an organization. Integrating these actions into your carbon report not only demonstrates a proactive stance towards environmental stewardship but also yields tangible benefits that extend across various aspects of the business.
The table below organizes the actions available on the platform by category and lists each action title under its respective category.
ACTION CATEGORY | Action Title |
`ENERGY | Replace fossil fuel systems with electric heaters |
| Maintain air conditioning and refrigeration systems on a regular basis |
| Replace fossil fuel heating systems with a heat pump |
| Purchase renewable electricity |
| Substitute refrigerant gases with lower impact ones |
| Turn off the lights at night |
| Reuse the thermal energy from your waste heat |
| Implement an Energy Management System |
| Implement energy saving trainings |
| Sublease the office space you are not using |
| Implement an energy savings program |
| Improve insulation/efficiency in cold rooms |
| Connect to a heating network to replace your heating system |
| Set up on-site renewable energy production |
| Implement an energy efficiency program |
| Improve the insulation of your buildings |
| Replace natural gas with biomethane |
| Reuse the thermal energy produced by your data centers |
| Replace your machines with low-carbon alternatives |
| Do some research on alternative fuels for your machines |
| Expand product portfolio to include less carbon-intensive products |
DIGITAL | Host your data in countries with low-carbon electricity |
| Optimize the cloud resources used |
| Select energy efficient instances |
| Optimize your cloud usage according to their carbon footprint |
| Improve the workload of the servers |
| Improve your advertisement targeting |
| Take into account emissions when building your marketing mix |
| Target users using wifi or during off-peak hours |
| Define limits for asset quality according to the final terminal used |
| Switch to the least data intensive formats for your marketing assets |
| Customers switching to 100% cloud |
ACTIVITIES & EVENTS | Reduce the number of participants in the events you organize |
| Choose virtuous service providers for catering and accommodation |
| Relocate your internal events to avoid (air) travel |
| Select a venue well served by public transportation |
| Rent furniture and cutlery for your events |
ASSETS | When changing premises, prioritize sites having environmental certification |
| Extend the lifetime of equipment by ensuring maintenance and repair |
| Ensure sufficiency when purchasing new IT equipment |
| Prefer refurbished/second hand assets |
| Extend the life of your machinery and equipment |
| Rent equipment instead of owning it |
FOOD & DRINKS | Reduce your consumption of animal products |
| Raise employees awareness on the carbon impact of different foods |
| Favor ingredients stemming from alternative agriculture methods |
| Explore the design of vegan options |
| Explore the design of vegetarian options |
| Reduce food and packaging waste |
| Favor local and in-season ingredients |
| Choose low-carbon restaurants |
FREIGHT | Modernization and adjustment of the fleet to its intended use |
| Technical solutions for speed clamping and automatic engine shutdown at idle |
| Ensure optimal routing and loading of your trucks |
| Collaborative work with customers for better optimization |
| Cost-saving gestures and best practices specific to temperature-controlled transport |
| Vehicle weight reduction |
| Implementation of an eco-driving program |
| Auxiliary combustion products that keep diesel engine feed, injection, and combustion chamber clean |
| Computerized route optimization tools |
| Decarbonize the last-mile freight |
| Optimization of vehicle loading |
| Improved consumption monitoring |
| Raising awareness among road subcontractors |
| Reducing consumption linked to needs other than traction |
| Select local suppliers |
| Use of energy-saving lubricants |
| Use of alternative fuels |
| Tire fleet management |
| Replace air freight with sea freight |
| Replace your thermal truck freight by rail or fluvial freight |
| Temperature control: specific equipment and maintenance |
| Choice of propulsion system |
| Optimization of urban goods transport |
| Replace your thermal truck freight by other sustainable road options |
| Controlled temperature: choice of cold production system |
| Replace existing sea transport with sail transport |
| Use of non-road modes of transport |
| Evaporative air conditioning |
| Improved vehicle maintenance (excluding tires) |
INVESTMENTS | Divest from highly emissive assets |
| Influence real estate assets to use renewable energy |
| Add conditions to your obligations to improve your influence over them |
| Optimize the construction plans of your buildings |
| Prefer long-term investing to assist investees' emissions reduction |
| Prefer high ownership of investees to assist them in reducing emissions |
| Be more demanding on the transparency of green bonds |
| Engage in green finance initiatives and frameworks |
| Engage with your investees through corporate governance |
| Improve the energy efficiency of current real estate investments |
| Influence assets to use second-hand materials |
PRODUCT PURCHASES | Make employees aware of the impact of over-consumption of clothing |
| Reduce the weight of your packaging |
| Set up a system for recovering and reusing used work equipment |
| Optimize use of materials & reduce offcuts |
| Ecodesign your product by conducting comparative LCAs |
| Implement carbon impact conditions in your purchase policy |
| Make your customers aware of the impact of your purchases |
| Choose packaging made from recycled raw materials |
| Buy recycled or second-hand material |
| Take emissions into account when building your marketing mix |
| Improve your advertisement targeting |
| Switch to the least data intensive formats for your marketing assets |
| Target users using wifi or during off-peak hours |
| Define limits for asset quality according to the final terminal used |
| Optimize the post-click landing page / your website |
| Implement carbon impact conditions in your purchase policy |
TRAVEL & COMMUTE | Replace part of your business travel with video conferencing |
| Stop air travel when a 6 hours train alternative is available |
| Favor direct flights |
| Favor flights in economy |
| Offer eco-driving courses |
| Favor the train for regional or national travel of employees |
| Promote European destinations and rail travel |
| Promote teleworking and carpooling |
| Promote low carbon commuting means |
| Implement a Mobility Plan within your company |
| Renew your gas vehicle fleet with electric vehicles |
| Convert your fleet into electric vehicles by retrofitting |
| Use of accessories to reduce aerodynamic drag |