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ZIP Codes and Market Areas
ZIP Codes and Market Areas

See rates for a 5-digit or 3-digit ZIP code or a general market area

Updated over a week ago


Some Greenscreens widgets include a toggle at the top right with the options Lane, 3d ZIP, and Mkt. This lets you view data for the wider area surrounding the lane in the prediction. It can be especially helpful when you don't have a lot of history with one route and you want to check rates in the same general area.

Your options are:

  • Lane: the 5-digit ZIP codes in the current prediction

  • 3d ZIP: all ZIP codes that share their first three numbers with the ZIP code in the prediction. For instance, if your shipment goes from 20212 to 30345, you’ll see data for all shipments that begin in an area with a ZIP code starting with 202 and deliver to an area with a ZIP starting with 303.

  • Mkt: the market area surrounding the prediction’s origin and destination. A market area is defined as a collection of 3-digit ZIP codes influenced by a major city or economic center.

When you view results for Mkt (market area), 3dzip (3-digit zip), or in the cases where you have no load history for the requested 5-digit zip codes, Greenscreens will determine an average flat rate for the requested lane using those neighboring loads. The resulting flat rate is calculated based on the average rate per mile from the historic load sample multiplied by the mileage associated with the requested lane.

A green dot on the toggle means there is data available. The image here shows data for the market area. You can see that data is available for the lane and the market area, but not for the 3d ZIP:


Suppose you need to check rates for an origin and destination that are 750 miles apart. You can view historical flat rates results for the 3-digit ZIP code areas, which gives you the same distance of 750 miles.

  • In this example, the load history within the 3d zip range includes 5 loads with varying rates per mile -$2.00, $2.10, $2.00, $2.02, $1.98.

  • The average rate per mile for these 5 loads is $2.02

  • The 750 miles between the original origin & destination will be multiplied by the $2.02 average rate per mile for a flat rate = $1515.00

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