Bankruptcy - Authorization Form

Have this completed by your bankruptcy counsel to grant Gregory Funding permission to speak to you or someone you trust about your loan.

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Written by Gregory
Updated over a week ago

If you are represented by a bankruptcy attorney, you may be requested to provide to Gregory Funding written permission from your bankruptcy attorney before Gregory Funding can discuss your account with you. Your bankruptcy attorney may complete and submit this form on their law firm’s letterhead if you want your bankruptcy attorney to authorize Gregory Funding to speak with you or an authorized third party about your mortgage account of your choice (a trusted relative, spouse, close friend, or a title company, for example).

This optional form is made available as a courtesy and your bankruptcy attorney may otherwise provide an alternative form of authorization for Gregory Funding’s review and approval. This signed form, on your bankruptcy attorney law firm’s letterhead, may be returned to:

Fax: 866.712.5697

Mail: Gregory Funding, PO Box 230579, Tigard, OR 97281-0579

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