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WooCommerce Integration via webhooks
WooCommerce Integration via webhooks

Integrating GSMtasks with WooCommerce via webhooks

Grete Jeltsov avatar
Written by Grete Jeltsov
Updated over a week ago

What is a WooCommerce Integration?

GSMtasks enables integration with your WooCommerce account and online store, providing a seamless flow of information.

Orders from WooCommerce will be automatically converted to tasks in GSMtasks, where you can easily assign them to drivers for completion.

Integrating WooCommerce with GSMtasks via webhooks πŸ”—

βœ” Create webhooks in Woocommerce

You have to create 3 of them: Order create, Order update, Order delete.

πŸ“Œ A Webhook is an event notification sent to a URL of your choice. Users can configure them to trigger events on one site to invoke behavior on another.

Webhooks are useful for integrating with third-party services and other external API that support them.

βœ” Add delivery URL to each webhook

The delivery URL has to be generated by our support team, so just let us know, that you need one.

βœ” Create a test order in WooCommerce

The test order should appear in GSMtasks web dashboard, under the Unassigned list.

πŸ’‘ Usage and general information πŸ’‘

  • Any change made to the order or its components will be automatically updated in GSMtasks

  • As soon as the order is marked "processing", a task is created

  • At the moment we accept partial payments the same as full payments. In case an order is refunded or canceled, the task associated with the order will also be removed.

  • The same goes for partial refunds - canceled tasks cannot be recovered by the webhook

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