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Magento Integration via plugin
Magento Integration via plugin

How do I integrate GSMtasks with Magento?

Grete Jeltsov avatar
Written by Grete Jeltsov
Updated over a week ago

What is a Magento integration?

GSMtasks enables integration with your Magento account and e-shop, providing a seamless flow of information.

Orders from Magento will be automatically converted to tasks in GSMtasks, where you can easily assign them to employees for completion.

Integrating GSMtasks with Magento via the GSMtasks plugin πŸ”—

The integration process via the GSMtasks plugin is very simple and only takes a few minutes.

1. Download the GSMtasks plugin from Magento Marketplace

2. Go to your Magento admin account and add the plugin:
​System > Extensions > Integrations > Add New Integration

Note: To enlarge the image simply click on it.

3. Upload the plugin

4. Proceed with the configuration:
​Stores > Settings > Configuration > GSMtasks

5. Enter your GSMTasks account token (API Key)

*To get the token, you must first create your API key like so:

  • create a new API key by clicking on the blue button on the upper right corner of the screen;

  • type in the desired name (e.g. your own) and email address (we will only use this to contact you if there are any problems with the API token);

  • copy the API token to Magento.


6. Klick Save Config and your GSMtasks integration configuration is complete!

General information about the integration πŸ’‘

  • Any changes made to the order or its components will be automatically updated in GSMtasks.

  • When an order is created a task will not be created until the client has paid for it and the status of the order is marked "processing" in Magento.

  • In case an order is refunded or canceled, the task associated with the order will also be removed automatically.

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