Accessing the Tasks list view
You can access the list view by clicking on Tasks on the top of your screen.
Here you can see all of your tasks as well as import and export tasks as an XML spreadsheet from your GSMtasks account.
You can also manage the list view by using a range of filters. This function allows you to search tasks using very specific information.
Using filters
Using filters is a great way to quickly find the tasks and information you need. You can choose from a large variety of filters and add as many as you need.
To add a filter to your list click on the +Add Filter button and a drop-down menu appears.
You can either type the name of the filter you're looking for into the search bar or just scroll down to find it.
Once you've selected a filter, a new option may appear to refine your filter.
Only the tasks with your selected filter appear in the list now.
βTo add another filter, just click on the +Add Filter button again and make your choices.
Filtering out companies and metafields
You can also use filters to only see tasks related to specific companies or metafields.
To see tasks related to a company, click on +Add Filter > Company and refine the search. The easiest way to use this filter is to type the name of the company in the search box.
To filter out a specific metafield, click on +Add Filter > Metafield and choose it from the list. Then refine your search.
Managing columns and filters
You can manage the columns you see in your Tasks list by clicking on the Manage columns button. Take note that the choice of filters also depends on the selected (visible) columns.
Just mark the columns to make them visible or unmark them to make them disappear. Make sure to Save your changes.
To rearrange the columns click on the Reorder columns button and use the drag & drop function. Save your changes.
To change the width of the columns click on the column splitter and drag it left or right.
It is also possible to change the order in which tasks are displayed. To do that just open the filters list on the right and make your choice.
For example, if you want to see the most recently updated tasks at the top of the list, choose Updated at and make sure the arrow on the right is descending. To reverse the order, click on the arrow and make sure it's ascending.
Default filters
If you are using a combination of filters very often, we encourage you to save your selection by clicking on the Save as default button. This way the filters will already be selected every time you open the Tasks list view.
To delete all selected filters, just click on Reset filters.
Search bar
We have added a search bar to the list view to make finding specific tasks easier.
To use it, just type in a keyword related to the task to the search bar.